seven 7 : don't touch my sister

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You stood up impatiently and turned around to face JB. "Who you calling 'jagiya' around here?!"

"Do I look gay to you?" He asked the obvious, without even flinching even though a few people had turned to stare at him from the commotion.

JB had followed you secretly only to find that you had met Mark and Jackson for dinner nearby, after he had cooked for you while you were resting at his place.

"Hey, who are you?" It was Mark's turn to stand up this time, his question directed to JB. 

"You heard her, she's definitely not your girlfriend so who you calling darling here?" His face showing obvious displeasure seeing that you were ruffled.

For once the loud mouthed Jackson had nothing to say and remained seated.

Seeing both of his colleagues going head on with a stranger, he felt slightly intimidated and out of place. He tugged lightly at your sleeve and looked up at your face. He mouthed 'ex-boyfriend?' and pointed at JB.

You frowned and shook your head lightly, and mouthed back to him 'it's ok.' But caring dude as he was, it didn't wipe the worried frown off his face.

The exchange between JB and Mark seemed to be getting nowhere but getting heated instead. Hurriedly you seat both of them at 2 ends of the table with you and Jackson coming in between them.

Anyone could tell they were acting like rivals in love.

Sensing the situation getting tense you quickly turned to Jackson.

"Hey Jackson aren't you hungry? You guys must be starved from working til this time... try the noodles!"

Going into drama king mode, he tried to be friendly and overly enthusiastic for you "Okay cool, I was dreaming of this all day long!! " 

Calling for the waiter you ordered their food and a drink for JB, indicated them to speed it up.

Just then your phone started ringing.

It was your brother Yugyeom's picture on your display.

(On the phone)

"Noona? why aren't you back yet? Are you still working?"

"Oh Gyeomie I'll be home soon what's the matter?"

"I was afraid you'd be working at this time and skipped your dinner again... so I cooked some soup for you. I'll be waiting for you okay! Don't stay out too late! Love you!"

"OK sure, don't worry about me. Go rest Gyeom, love you too."


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