twenty eight 28 : Falling for you

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The night sky darkened and the streets were starting to empty out.

Right at the time where people were having their dinners in the warmth of their homes, there JB was, having a lonesome walk home.He yawned under the covers of his thick black hoodie and mask, where no one could recognise him under the dim street lights. It didn't matter if he was the number 1 on stage, or the hottest celebrity in town. Tonight, he was just Jaebum - a twenty-something year old single guy on the street.

The chilly breeze blew against his arm, greeting him with a stinging sensation. It was then that he realised his arm was scratched, with parts of his fair skin blotted red.He winced as he pulled his sleeves over the wounds, sustained from thrashing through the high shrubs behind JR's house earlier that day, in a bid to rescue Miyoung.He was surprised at the emotions he felt, when he realised she could not be found, and the potential danger he left her in when he fell asleep.
Opening the doors to his empty apartment, he grabbed a drink and sank into his bed.
Strangely, he could still remember the weight and warmth of Miyoung in his arms when he lifted her out from under the bed.It was such a foreign feeling, and he found himself thinking about her and just wanting to be with see her again.Conflicted, he decided to send a text to her.
"Miyoung ah, I think... I'm falling for you...."
(JR's house)

"Miyoung ah! Your phone's sounding...!" JR shouted out from the kitchen where he was preparing dinner.

Rushing out of the shower, with just a towel wrapped around her, Miyoung dashed to the room where her phone was docked to charge.
It was silent for awhile and she could hardly believe what she was seeing.
A text from JB that read: "Miyoung ah, I think... I'm falling for you...."

"HUKKKKK!!!" the phone slipped out of her wet hands and onto the ground, with a loud noise.

In came JR, holding a dish towel, to check on what the noise was, only to see her stooped over her phone which had gone dead in an instant.

"Yah, yah... did you drop your phone again? I'd be surprised if it was still alive." He laughed, turning away while shaking his head in disapproval.
Miyoung desperately wanted to look at the message again, but it was as good as gone."Otteokke!!!"
(JB's house)

For half an hour since he dropped the shocking bomb over text, JB had been staring at the screen of his phone, waiting for a response from Miyoung. As much of a player he appeared to be, it was his first time confessing his feelings for a girl, in this manner. He had no plans, no thoughts, just pure emotional impulse.He started regretting sending the text, and beating himself up mentally for not being able to control his impulsive nature.

"Argh! Hate this waiting game!" he punched his pillows, and screamed into the blanket, frustrated. He wished he could run back to JR's house to delete the message on her phone. Just what was she really thinking?

He paced up and down his room, taking off his clothing piece by piece as he mulled over the possible response he might receive.
After an hour of pacing, he still received no response. "Right. Guess that was just an epic embarrassment. What was I expecting anyway." He shoved his phone under the pillow, resigned to the reality of the situation, and decided to sleep it all away.
(JR's house)
"Oppa, oppa, could you lend me your phone?" asked Miyoung, with her hair, still damp from the shower.
JR, clad in an apron, and oven mitts, wasn't about to have his phone clumsily manhandled by his sister. With a polite smile, he shook his head, "No, Miyoung, I can't."

"Just for a call, One call? I promise I won't drop it." She was now following him all around the kitchen as he made the finishing touches to dinner.
"Who are you calling anyway? Why don't you just use the landline?" he said, ignoring her desperation, oblivious that she needed JB's number, stored in his phone.
"I... just need to call JB Oppa... I - I - I just wanted to check if he got home." She bit her lip in a messy attempt to pull a fast one at JR, but he wasn't buying it.
"AH- sure, I'll text him later after dinner. Don't worry, he's an adult. He's used to such stuff, and all that can wait, it's dinner time!" Pulling off the apron from his neck, JR sat himself and Miyoung at two sides of the dining table, as he served both their dinners.
"Okay..." she dragged out the end of her word, in slight dismay. Listlessly, she stared at the dead screen of her phone, and sighed.

All through dinner, she listened to the stories JR was telling her, about how she should get a better job that would let her take care of her health and spend more time with him.
"... and you know, get a boyfriend." he paused. "Miyoung-ah?" he waved a hand in her face.
"Ye-yeah, I'm listening!" she blinked and smiled at JR, finding herself lost in her thoughts.
He stood up and walked over to her, resting his palm on her forehead, "you okay?"
"Just tired, it's nothing, oppa." she smiled back at him, wanting to reassure him that she was fine.
"I'll clear up over here, you take a rest alright?" he ruffled her hair and gently nudged her to stand up.
As she watched JR turn his back, all that filled her mind was the text. Her curiosity kept her wondering, what really did he mean? Did he send another text after that?
Sneakily, she reached for JR's phone, and scrolled to JB's number.
(JB's house)

Deep in dreamland, snoring filled the house as JB finally took his first sleep back at home in 2 days. Deep sleeper as he was, he couldn't hear anything else above his own snoring - the phone included.It wasn't until far into the night, that he found himself waking up to get a drink.
Instinctively, he reached for his phone to check the time.

5 missed called from JR?

He noticed Miyoung hadn't replied his message, and it didn't feel too right, and JR wasn't the kind to do missed calls either. Could something have happened to Miyoung again?
He debated with himself whether to call her or to return JR's call in the wee hours of the night. Wait a minute, I could just take a stroll over.
The lack of response from his confession to Miyoung awoke him fully from his slumber and he decided to take a morning stroll to check on her.
Within minutes, he had arrived at Miyoung's bedroom window, standing by the shrubs that had poked him just a day ago. He saw that the lights in her room were dimmed.
While walking, he had tried to call her but the signal was dead - Was she too taken aback and decided to shut me off?

He paced back and forth behind the window, gritting his teeth with folded arms, vexed at what he should do. He really wanted to clear up the air after his abrupt confession.
Just then, he saw shadows shifting behind the curtains of her room.With no haste, he went up to it and gave it a few clear knocks, hoping to catch her attention.
Startled, Miyoung on the other side of the room, stood behind the curtain, slightly fearful of what it might be.Suddenly she heard a muffled but distinct voice call her name.

"Miyoung-ah, it's me, JB,"
At once, she pushed the curtains aside, and saw JB, hooded with black rimmed glasses, clad in what seemed like his pyjamas.
"OMO!" quickly, she opened her windows, and went to the ledge. "Oppa, what brings you here at this hour?"

"Oh hey!" he smiled casually, looking up at her, seeing that she was fine, put his mind at ease. "I.. er.. was wondering if you got my text..." he rubbed the back of his neck with his hands shyly, looking at his feet.
"Why don't you come in I can -" she motioned for him to come from the front,
"AH- it's okay I won't want to wake Jinyoungie... oh was he looking for me?" He then recalled the 5 missed calls.
Miyoung reached for the lifeless gadget and showed it to him through the window, "it was me, I killed my phone."

The pieces fit in his head like a complete puzzle finally "Aha.... I see.... so you ... were calling me?" he asked carefully, observing her expression from below.
Miyoung shifted her feet, unsure of what to say, "Well, oppa I saw your text and then I dropped my phone. It was... quite a surprise to know, I must say?" Involuntarily, the corners of her lips curled up gently into a smile.
"Do you....maybe, wanna hang out later? I mean, it is kinda early and you might need to rest as well..." It was time for JB to make his next move.
Was he asking me out on a date?Miyoung at this time, had her heart beating fast, with her cheeks slowly flushed a tint of pink.

She nodded, "oh but you won't be able to call me!" a worried frown formed on her brows.
As JB thought for a moment, he took out his phone and handed it over and above head to her. "Take mine first, anyway, morning is just a couple of hours away. I'll call you!"
"But won't someone else need to look for you?" she asked.
He gave her a knowing smirk, the same one that she used to get irritated with. "That's my private number. No one has it. Well, until now, that is."
The thing about JB's coy smugness was the way he made her heart beat fast and blush from the inside. It evoked in her an indescribable excitement and flutter, making her want him all the more.

"See you later~" he winked, as she took the phone from his hands.

As JB turned to walk back, he punched the air silently, feeling an achievement unlocked, For once, he was actually feeling his emotions stirred, and he felt he was alive. All these while, he had kept his emotional life pretty much dormant, but little was he expecting, an even more uphill task ahead - keeping her under wraps.

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