twenty three 23 : The Sweet Surprise

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"Ah.. Hyung! Wait for me!" Bambam dragged his large shiny suitcase and made a run after Jackson, who had walked ahead without waiting, since he had only got a duffle bag packed for the stay.

It was the first day of the company trip at the beach resort, and everyone was arranged to meet at the main lobby where a huge welcome banner was hung.

Peeling off his sunglasses from his face, Jackson took off his bag and dumped it on the chair.

Hurriedly, Bambam panted his way over to his side. "Jackson hyung! Didn't you hear me call you?"

"I did." He replied, totally looking through Bambam and around the area.

"Hyung, what are you looking for? If its the bathroom-"

Jackson instantly put a finger on Bambam's lips, silencing him. "Shush. You're too noisy."

Still looking around, Jackson was trying to find you or Mark among the few groups of people that had strolled in excitedly. Some with hats some with floats, and some in bright florescent bikinis under overly translucent coverups.

Bambam fell silent following Jackson's sweeping gaze as he caught sight of his scantily clad colleagues and dropped his jaw. Jackson however, was unfazed by that, and decided to call you. He took a few steps away from the area to overlook the beach downstairs.

J: Hello? Hey Mandy are you here yet?
M: Oh hey Jackson, we're almost there!
J: ah... okay i'll wait for you here then.
M: Aren't you with our other colleagues?
J: No I can't find Mark and I don't really know the other groups of people here.
M: Really? But Mark should be somewhere around... anyways I'm gonna be there real soon. So just hang around for abit and chill ya?

Uncharacteristic of Jackson to be clingy, he would usually make himself comfortable in a crowd and ease his way into conversation. But not having you or Mark around made him a little insecure. He just wasn't feeling it today.

At where you were, on the bus, Yugyeom was showing pictures of himself to JB and discussing dance moves. JB at this point was completely oblivious that he was a mile away from home and stranded with just his phone and maybe a small pocket of his belonging.

You get another text from Mark after some time.

Baby, are you nearing?
There's something I want to show you...

Yup we can see the beach already... what is it?

Your stomach did a flip when you read his term of endearment which he seldom used over texting. It was usually just "babe" or "Mandy" ... or just hey followed by what he wanted to say. What could it be that he was being so impatient about?

With a ring, came his reply, and you jabbed at your phone button to view it quick.

There will be someone waiting for you at the lobby. It's a surprise. *winks*

WHAT?! Your face lit up instantly, a thousands throngs of butterflies fluttering in your tummy. You loved surprises.
Practically wishing and hoping you'd get a pleasant surprise every morning when you woke up, you always loved it when Mark got into his random mood to get you all excited and eager.

You recall one time back when you were studying at a nearby cafe, and Mark, knowing how you really hated mugging but yet had to do it alone for he distracted you too much, had planned a total surprise you keep you motivated.

At the first page of the last chapter, he stuck a leaf and wrote on it. Telling you he's got a surprise waiting for you but you'd only know how to find it if you diligently studied the last chapter enough to answer the question. There wasn't even a clue after that as you flipped your book inside out. But your curiosity fueled the passion for the boring book right at the last chapter. When you were just about done, you got a text with 4 multiple choice answers to the question he set for you, tagged with it were different places you had to head to, in order to find the mysterious surprise he had in store.

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