twenty seven 27 : Sorry & Thank You <3

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"Hyung!" JR stood at the front of his apartment door as he opened it only to find Jaebum standing masked up, head hooded, and holding nothing else in his hands. "What are you doing here?" He said, as he let the JB in and closed the door after him.

JB ripped off his mask and plonked down onto the couch with a sigh.

"Nothing! I just got swarmed at the airport and had to leave by the back doors again. That's all." He looked up at JR and noticed he was dressed to head out.

"Wait. Don't tell me ... You're going out?" JB asked and sat up with a frown, "I can't go out there, there are fans at my apartment again and those reporters are just getting harder to shake off. Seriously? Are you gonna make me go?" He made a deadpan face with nervousness scrunged up in his brows.

JR tossed him a set of keys "I'm heading out for a recording but you can have my keys, Miyoung should be back from work in awhile so you can chill for abit until she does."

JB caught them in his fist, "oh yeah I forgot she lives here. Well that's cool then, you can take your keys back. I'll just stay until she's here." He wanted to toss the bunch of keys back to JR but he had walked a little too far.

"Its okay, I won't be needing them since I have a spare in the car. Make yourself at home and if you need a change anything but my white turtleneck please." JR grabbed his bag and opened the door to leave.

"Oh and JB hyung, you know how Miyoung is, please don't pick a fight with her, she's had a long night at work." He added.

JB sat up wanting to defend himself but checked the time on his watch and it said '10.15am'. "You mean she was working for the whole night?"

JR walked through the door, "and day, if I may add."

"Oh, wow..." JB muttered under his breath as he waved JR goodbye. "Such a hard worker, couldn't tell at all."

He flicked on the TV and it was a food programme going on and on about the bunches and yummy cafes. "Man.... I really need that pancake now."

One of the things he had to give up was exploring the city in the comforts of his pyjamas, without being spotted or photographed. It was hard for JB to visit a cafe without his fans intruding on him and reporters coming up to him to ask about the affairs of other celebrities.

"Wait a minute, I could cook that now!" He jumped up, knowing JR would have a fully stocked kitchen.
True to his homely personality, there was nothing lacking to whip up a full brunch.

JB started chopping up fruits and beating eggs, almost like he had done it a million times.

He took out two of everything and set the table for two.

Picturing a happily eating couple like newlyweds in the morning, JB smiled to himself, wondering if Miyoung would be surprised to see him and the neat stuff he could do for her. Afterall, he knew it best, how tiring an all-nighter was. He was so sure she would fall right flat for him if he played his cards right.

A text came, and he glanced over to see what it said.

JR: I'm not encouraging anything here but incase you want to, Miyoung usually takes a really strong cup of chocolate when she gets back on mad days like these... So.... Please don't get on her nerves hyung. She probably doesn't know you're home cos her phone is dead.

It sounded like She did have quite a day at work and it occurred quite a fair bit.
It wasn't a lie that he was concerned.
Since the day JR introduced her as the sister they had been searching for, and she turned up looking much more grown up than he'd always imagined, he never saw her as a little sister. It helped that she came with an attitude despite her demure and petite appearance, that attracted JB to try breaking her shell.

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