fourteen 14 : A Surprising Turn of Events

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Jackson was a little lonely after feeling the emptiness of a day of work without seeing you at your desk.

Although you were technically his superior, both of you were of the same age. From day 1, when he set his eyes on you, he regarded you as an equal but your capabilities at work kept him in check.

As he strolled to the nearby cafe for dinner he bumped into Bambam.

"Jaeksun hyung!" Shouted Bambam from behind.

He turned to see the polished young man running up to him. "Yah! You never change I told you to say it right it's JACKSON!"

"Ahh kwenchana! It's Korea so in Korean it becomes Jaek-sen" (if u hear how Bambam really calls Jackson it does sound like that).

Frowning but too tired to debate he gives up.

"Why are you here hyung?" Bambam asked while hanging over Jackson's shoulder and walking along with him.

"To play. Duh! Of course to eat!!! It's a cafe!!" Jackson replied in his signature exclamation pointing to the signage ahead.

"A-aaarraseo okay okay. But why are you by yourself? " Bambam asked as they reached the door.

"I'm unpopular. Just like you." Replied Jackson in deadpan fashion. He wondered why he had to bump into Bam of all people, his annoying younger co-worker from the design department.

"Ani-yo!! I'm waiting for a friend! But you can join us if you're alone!" Offered the sweet kid with a smile.

"Ttwae-sseo!! I would like some peace and quiet thank you very much!" Jackson replied grumpily and signaled "1" to the server who was about to usher them to a 2 seater table.

"It's okay hyung!! Come and join me anyway I'm alone!" Bambam dragged Jackson and waved the server to a table of 4 instead, and sat him down.

"Yah yah what do you think you're doing huh? Who's the hyung here? I don't even know your friend!" Jackson got up to leave only meeting with Bambam's insistent whiny voice.

"ungggggg ~~ I'll buy the dinner hyung..... don't go..." he started his aegyo that made Jackson put a face of disgust.

"Okay stop!" Jackson sat back down, with this hands over Bambam's mouth and took the menu. "I'll only gonna stay cos you're buying!"

Happily Bambam took out his phone and texted his sister and his BFF Yugyeom.

Bambam : Hey guys I've reached and I brought my colleague with me hope you don't mind!

Not long after, Bambam's older sis and a happy Yugyeom came in, hand in hand.

Recognising Jackson from behind as the same guy he had dinner with when you and Mark brought him out, he was more surprised at the coincidence.

"Jackson?" He called out as he saw his side profile.

Seeing a lady and hearing his name called, Jackson automatically stood up and bowed.

"Oh? Aren't you.. Mandy's brother?" A smile instantly came on his face.

Surprised that they were acquainted, Bam and his sis took a seat together letting Jackson and Yugyeom converse a little longer.

It turned out that Yugyeom had always known of Jackson but never met him until the dinner with you and Mark but he wasn't able to expose how he got to know of Jackson in front of you.

"Oh such a surprise!" Jackson patted Yugyeom on the back glad to see a familiar face.

"Hyung, oh. .... Can I call you hyung?" Asked Yugyeom.

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