twenty-nine 29 : Awkward YoungJae

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The rehearsal hall was pitch black and Youngjae felt a bit awkward visiting the broadcasting station. It had been some time since he last performed. He hadn't particularly practised for this collaborative performance since it was a song he wrote, and there was nothing he didn't know about the scores.

As a producer, this was a song he wrote for a fan-turned-singer's debut. He agreed to be the piano accompaniment for her stage partly out of gratitude and partly in curiosity to see how she would be, live. He'd seen pictures of her but never felt comfortable meeting female fans even during his gigs. He'd usually leave those to Jackson or even Bambam.

Setting down his heavy bag of scores, he sat along one of the aisle seats, while waiting for the stage crew to come. It didn't seem quite right that no one was there since the rehearsal was due to begin at 3pm, but he sat and waited nevertheless.

Plugged in, he closed his eyes and immersed himself in his music, oblivious to his surroundings.

Just then, with very light footsteps, a young petite frame entered slowly, clad in a long white dress.

"Youngjae-sshi?" she called out to him but there was no answer.

She stood there, and spotted a cream coloured handkerchief, peeking out from his chest pocket. It made her smile like an excited fangirl as she sat in the seat closeby. Under the dim light from the open door, his side profile was gentle yet distinct, with rounded features that made him look friendly even when asleep.

Just looking at him bobbing his head made her smile. She continued, lost in her thoughts.

Right then, the door swung open and startled both of them.

"THERE YOU ARE!" a shrill voice filled with urgency filled the hall.

The sudden light burst and loud voice made them both jump in their seats. With slight embarrassment, the stage hand seemed to realised she had intruded into what looked like a private moment.
"Ah, sorry but... We had a glitch in the system and we had to change rehearsal rooms last minute, YoungJae-sshi, if you don't mind, the stage is ready on the other end."

Quickly, she slipped away and let the door shut slowly behind her.

He got up and noticed the petite white frame of the girl. Awkwardly he smiled, not quite sure who she was. He gave her a quick bow and picked up his bags.

"Youngjae-sshi!" she called out in a small voice.

"Uh, Yea?" he turned to look at her under the dim light. She had such a sweet voice that it instantly attracted him.

She walked up to greet him shyly, pointing at the little corner peeking out of his shirt pocket.

"Oh do you need a tissue?" he asked with eyes wide and hand busy searching his pants pockets.

"No, no, I meant, thanks for writing the song. I'm so honoured. " she gushed, quite forgetting the nerves she had been holding for her debut stage later. In front of him, she became a happy fangirl that only wanted to stare at him all day.

But clueless as he always was, he didn't quite get it. He frowned thinking what she meant. Finally it dawned on him that she was the singer whom he had written the song for, the one he had wanted to meet as well. Just like what he pictured her to be, she was a slim silhouette a head shorter than he was, and looked as if a gust of wind would sweep her off her feet.

"Ah.... Cherry...-sshi? Am I right?" his eyes wide with wonder.

She blushed, "please just call me Cherry."

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