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June 7th 1980.

A beautiful baby girl was born given the name Elyse Jane Elizabeth Colston. She had bright blue eyes and a small amount of Auburn colored hair. Her mother looked at her with loving green eyes. She inherited the blue eyes from her father. Her mother had Auburn hair that she brushed to the side of her face when she saw her baby girl. Just then a kind looking lady walked into the room and sat down next to the mother.

"I promise we will find her a good home ma'am." Said the kind lady with a loving tone. "Does she have a name?"

"I trust that she will have a wonderful home and her name is Elyse Jane Elizabeth Colston." Said the mother with a British accent as a tear dripped down her face. The tear that rolled town her face did not seam to be a happy one, but more of a sad tear.

After a long discussion and paper signing later the kind lady left with baby Elyse in her arms. When she was about to close the door, she saw the mother silently crying.

11 years later, 1991

Elyse had been adopted by a set of wonderful parents and had moved from London, to Lexington, Kentucky. The town was beautiful and there was not much activity going on in her neighborhood. She lived at #7 Rosiefall Way. Elyse loved her little house with her small family. Elyse loved to read more then anything in the world. When she would read, it would seam as though all of the pictures and people would come to life.

Elyse has waist length Auburn hair always tied neatly with a ribbon. She also has bright blue eyes but her gray glasses cover them. She seams to be the perfect young lady, but underneath all of the beauty, she is very pressured. At her private school, the teachers expect good marks for all students, and because of that Elyse had developed major anxiety, but she doesn't tell anyone that she hears voices telling her to do things, or that at night she is terrified of going to sleep.

Right now Elyse is sitting under a tree in the back yard reading her favorite book, Peter Pan. Elyse has read Peter Pan more times then she could count. With the slight breeze blowing her hair, Elyse looks up to see that the sun is starting to set so she saves her spot in her book, and heads inside to wash up for dinner.

"I was just about to call you in to wash up." Says her adoptive mother as she sets the table. "You seem to get so locked away in your book that you don't seem to be in the real world."

"I'm sorry Mother, when I read the pages seem to come to life." Said Elyse with her slight British accent.

"That's all right, now go wash up before dinner."

"Yes Mother."

Elyse has always felt weird being adopted and calling her mother, well Mother. It felts as though it was impolite to call her Mom, so she stuck with Mother. 

Elyse went up the stairs to her bedroom and set her book on her nightstand. She went down the hall the the bathroom and washed her face and hands.

Just then the front door opened and her adoptive father walked in. He had just got home from work at the office and still had his papers in his hand when Elyse walked down the stairs.

"Hello Father! How was work today?" Elyse asked as she helped her mother set the table.

"Ehh, same as usual. Lots of computer problems again." He answered as he slipped of his shoes and set his papers on the entry table. Elyse's father worked at a small company who helps fix people's problems on the computers. Computers were just starting to be in every household so most people did not know how to fix the problems on the computer.

Everyone sat down for dinner. Elyse's mother who tied her blond hair up in a bun sits down wiping her hands on her apron, starts passing the food along when John, Elyse's father who has the mail in his hand passes letters to Mary, Elyse's mother. John likes to do this so he does this every night.

"Hey Mary, look at this." He says as he hands her a different type of letter. The letter looked as though it had come from the past. The envelope was not the white color the other ones were. It was a light brown shade, that it almost looked tan.

Mary takes the letter and sees who it is to and from. "It is addressed to Elyse and it is from someone or someplace called Ilvermorny."

4 years later, 1995 

Last day of 4th year at Ilvermorny

"I'm going to miss you so much." Said Lili-Anna June. Lili-Anna, or L.A. for short has shoulder length blond hair, brown eyes, is Elyse's best friend. "You better write to me over the summer!"

"Of course I'll write to you." Elyse answered as she packed her trunk. She looked around the girls dormitory. The Thunderbird girls dormitory was beautiful. The beds were so nicely placed and there were only about eight or nine girls in each room. "Gosh, I'm going to miss this place."

"Yeah me too." L.A. said with is teasing gleam in her eye.

"What?" Asked Elyse.

"Are you going to miss this place or Tom?" L.A. asked playfully. Tom Harry was Elyse's boyfriend, well a better way to put it is that Tom was her secret boyfriend, her parents had no idea about him and she liked to keep it that way.

"Stop it Lili-Anna! Goodness. Yes, of course I'm going to miss him." Elyse answered as she rolled her eyes, turning away from L.A. so she could not see her blushing.

June 7th, 1995 

Elyse's 15th Birthday

Elyse had just gone outside to escape the birthday madness when John called her inside. "Elyse, come inside please. You have a letter."

"Coming Father!" She called as she turned around annoyed that she could not get some alone time.

Inside Elyse's parents were huddled together looking at something in their hand.

"Elyse," Starts her father, "you have been asked to go to London." He looked terrified and confused at the same time. Elyse looked confused and her father just handed her the letter.

 Dear Ms. Elyse Jane Elizabeth Colston,

My name is Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore and I am the Headmaster at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. 

I understand that you live in the States, but I would wondering if you would like to spend a year at Hogwarts. I believe that there are things you wish to know, and I can help you. It also seems to me that Elyse was born in London, therefore she should be attending Hogwarts.

If you are interested, please write me back by June 24th. That is the last day of term here, and term begins September 1st. I understand that term here starts later then in the States, but I believe that you would thoroughly enjoy it.


Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Headmaster at Hogwarts

That's where our story begins.

Authors Note:

I just made up the address where she lives at, so if it is a real place, please let me know. Also feel free to comment any grammar or spelling mistakes. (Grammar and spelling are not my best subjects.)



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