Saiyan Attack

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The first Saibaman attacked, lunging at (Y/N). Knowing that now it was faster than him (Y/N) waited for the last few seconds and then upper cutted the Saibaman with a ki ball in his hand. The Saibaman went flying high up in the air before blowing up into dust.

Two of the Saibamen suddenly launched an attack, both of them throwing a fury of messy and uncoordinated punches. (Y/N) started to block as many that he could, though being slower, he could still block the hits and take the punches that passed his defensives as he used his ki to boost his durability. Then, he sensed the final one pass him and anticipated that it would attack his back. (Y/N) quickly grabbed the 3rd Saibaman with his tail in a choking grip and quickly turned and slammed it against the other 2 Saibamen.the 3 Saibamen were launched into the air as the young Saiyan charged a Kamehameha.

"Ka, me, ha, me..."


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The blue beam flew into the air and hit the Saibamen, blowing them up in a massive explosion that shook the air.

"(Y/N) what was that?" Reine asked.

"Just found myself with other Saiyans, they just used just plant things against me called Saibamen, they were easy enough to fight." (Y/N) explained.

"Other Saiyans, what in the world?"

"Yeah, I don't know where they came from either, I will try to take this elsewhere, see ya." (Y/N) said as he cut the communication.

"Well then Nappa, I think it's time to teach him a lesson." Vegeta said.

"Yeah, right out of Saiyan University." Nappa said as he stepped forward.

"Wait you went to collage?" Vegeta asked in surprise.

"Yep." Nappa said as he continued walking.

"What the hell could someone like you major in?" Vegeta asked again.

"Child psychology." Nappa said as he was now in front of (Y/N).

Oh boy. (Y/N) thought as he turned off the devices that held him back.

"WITH A MINOR IN PAIN!" Nappa yelled as he went to remove one of (Y/N)'s arms.

"Oh boy!" (Y/N) yelled in surprise as he dodged the attack.

He then grabbed Nappa's wrist with his tail and quickly swung over Nappa and delivered a kick to the back of his head, sending through the dirt.

"Hey, can we take this elsewhere, there might be people that can get in the way of our game." (Y/N) said.

"But I like it here." Nappa complained as he went to stomp (Y/N).

(Y/N) rolled out of the way before jumping to a distance.

"Ok then, time out." (Y/N) said, crossing his hands.

Nappa stopped.

"What are you doing Nappa?" Vegeta ordered.

"But he said time out Vegeta, he stopped playing." Nappa told Vegeta.

"Wha-uuuuggggghhh." Vegeta said, blood going down his face from his nose.

"You ok Vegeta?" Nappa asked.

"Yeah, just had an aneurysm out of sheer stupidity." Vegeta answered.

"Wow didn't know you were so stupid Vegeta." Nappa said.

Vegeta yelled in anger, gaining a chuckle from (Y/N).

"9 minutes and 18 seconds, 9 minutes and 18 seconds." Vegeta began, clenching his teeth in anger. "

"You ok there?"

Best, moment, of, my life." Vegeta said in order to calm himself down.

"Well, I have a proposal, for now, you let me go and train for a day, then we will meet up here at 15 hours." (Y/N) suggested.

"Oh, and what makes you say that, are you too weak to face us?" Vegeta asked mockingly.

"Well it wouldn't be fun to a prince if he got to fight someone weaker, and worse, from a lower class, plus, since you are a Saiyan elite, shouldn't a lower class be weaker, no matter how much they train?" (Y/N) persuaded, shrugging his shoulders. "One day, then we meet here at 16:00, ok?"

"I know you are playing me, but you are so right." Vegeta said with a smile.

"So do we have a deal?" (Y/N) asked.

"Sure sounds good, doesn't it Vegeta?" Nappa asked.

"Yes Nappa, a proper challenge is always welcome." Vegeta said with a smile as he begain to fly up to the air. "Let's go back Nappa, we will let him train up and be stronger, it will be a better fight."

"Aw, ok." Nappa said as he floated up and away with Vegeta.

(Y/N) collapsed on the ground, exhausted.

"Hey, head back to the hotel, I got something new for you that might help." Reine said from the earpiece as soon as she go through. "I will patch you up, you got a lot to do tomorrow"

"Yeah." (Y/N) said as he raised his arms, now dripping in blood from the Saibaman attack after he lower his ki shields. "I really need it."

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