Nightmare gone Mad part 2

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"Ugh." (Y/N) groaned awake.

He looked around to see the shadow and darkness around the school was gone but Kurumi's ki was still here.

I can sense multiple clones as well, Mana is there but she seems to have been defeated, Tohka, Origami, and Shido have been restrained and Kurumi is doing something unusual, whatever it is, it's not gonna be a good thing. (Y/N) analyzed.

He quickly zoned in on the real Kurumi and teleported towards her. He delivered a roundhouse kick to her side, catching Kurumi off guard and sending her flying towards the fences. She went through 2 of the steel fences but was stopped at the 3rd.

She held her back in pain, glaring at the Saiyan while the right side of her face was swollen and red.

"Zafkiel, Dallet." Kurumi said.

A large clock appeared and from the roman numeral 4, a black-red smoke slithered in the Kurumi's pistol. She shot herself and the wounds quickly disappeared.

"(Y/N) (L/N), congratulations, you are the first Saiyan to land a hit on me but I assure will be the last." Kurumi said as she readied herself for battle.

(A/N: I don't own the music or video, please don't copyright strike me)

Why do I hear boss music? (Y/N) thought.

Legions of clones that were already summoned and available began shooting at (Y/N). (Y/N) dodged the shots and slowly witted down their numbers. He struck one at the throat before using her to take down the other surrounding clones. He shot out ki blasts at the clones, reducing their numbers quickly.

A shot rang out and a bullet grazed his cheek, drawing blood. More shots started to graze his body, drawing more blood.

(Y/N), knowing he needs more power, transformed into Ikari, knocking the clones back a couple of feet. He teleported around as fast as he can, causing after images as he teleported.

With Kurumi

His power level is impressive now seeing it, it is stronger than the Saiyans I had seen but they didn't have the chance to grow, but seeing this, he will be delicious. The real Kurumi thought while she hid among the clones.

The bullets were now leaving heavy bruises in the areas they grazed. (Y/N) was dodging and blocking the bullets at coming towards him.

Playtime is over

Back to 3rd person or whatever

"Zafkiel, Zayin." Kurumi called out.

She shot out the bullet, among the volley of shots. (Y/N) noticed Kurumi activating her Angel but it was too late, he had to block the projectiles. He covered his chest to protect the area but it didn't matter.

His time was stopped as soon at the bullet Zayin made contact.

"Easy pickings." Kurumi said.

All the other clones remaining opened fire on the stopped figure of (Y/N). The shots made audible cracks and snaps as the bullets broke bone. Kurumi walked up to (Y/N) and pressed the barrel of the pistol at his temple.

"Au revoir (Y/N), your time will make up for the trouble you caused me." Kurumi said before she pulled the trigger.

The a loud crunch sounded when the bullet made contact.

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