Chapter 7

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"What did you do to Shido?" The girl asked again.

(Y/N) turned around to face the white-haired girl who is glaring at him from the end of the hall.

Huh never thought that this might happen but it did so...if answer with 'how did you know' that might confirm her suspicions. (Y/N) thought.

Finally, he answered, "What makes you think I did such a thing."

"Easy, you always sat around like you didn't care about anything or anyone but in class, you looked at Shido as if he were your prey and just one second after Shido fell unconscious, your right index finger was sticking out of usual position when napping." The girl answered.

"I am concerned about how you know this." (Y/N) responded.

"I answered your question now, answer mine, what did you do to Shido." She demanded.

"And if I refuse?"

"Then I will have to use force." The girl replied.

"Well go luck tr- Holy sh*t"

(Y/N) suddenly found himself on the ground with an arm twisted behind his back, threatening to dislocate, and the girl on top of his back. 

"Speak or your shoulder will be dislocated!" The blue-eyed girl threatened.

"Isn't it already on the verge of being dislocated!" (Y/N) replied.

The girl twisted his arm further on to his back, causing his tail to come loose. The girl looked at the tail curiously and grabbed it. (Y/N) looked in horror at the blue-eyed girl and began to squirm to try to get away from the girl.

The girl looked at him and then the tail for 2 times before putting two and two together.

"I didn't know you had a tail but from what I can assume, this is your weak point." She pointed out.

The girl proceeds to lightly squeeze (Y/N)'s tail. (Y/N) screamed in agony shouting profanities all the while.


Such a foul mouth, the white-haired girl thought.


Shido woke up to the sounds of screaming and yelling coming from the halls. Tohka looked at the open door where the yelling was coming from.

"Um, Shido, what is he saying?" Tohka asked.

"Ummmm, you won't want to know," Shido responded.

Back with (Y/N)


The girl let go and (Y/N) grabbed his tail and began to blow on it at the spot it was squeezed to coax his tail.

"Alright, talk." The girl demanded once more.

"Fine, but give me your name so I can address you, that is my last condition." (Y/N) said.

"But aren't you in the same class as me?" the girl questioned.

"Sorry but I don't bother to learn the names of the other students in the class." (Y/N) explained.

"How very rude, no wonder you don't have any friends." The girl said with a cold tone.


"That surprisingly hurts

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"That surprisingly hurts." (Y/N) said.

"My name is Tobiichi Origami, now answer my question." Origami said.

"Alright, what I did was-"


The space quake alarm sounded cutting (Y/N) off before he could explain.

"We will talk later." Origami said before running off.

"Hey wait! Dang it, she's gone already." (Y/N) said.

(Y/N) closed his eyes to feel the energy of the Spirit. The power was immense and simular to Tohka's energy due to it being a Spirit but this one was different. There were two nearly identical energy signatures but both with different "personalities".

One of them was spunky, and a very bold in attitude. The other one was more shy, sweet, and made (Y/N)'s protective instincts to kick in.

This Spirit, it seems more like a child, I need to get there before the AST can harm it or at least hold of the AST for long enough. (Y/N) thought.

He focused on the energy signature of the Spirit and put two fingers on his head in thought until...


(Y/N) was in right if front of girl with blue hair, blue eyes, a rabbit puppet on her left hand, and the girl was wearing a green rabbit over coat.

(Y/N) was in right if front of girl with blue hair, blue eyes, a rabbit puppet on her left hand, and the girl was wearing a green rabbit over coat

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The puppet on the girl's hand began to talk, "Um mister, how did you pop out of nowhere?"

A/N: Just something quick I have decided what transformations (Y/N) will have in this story, there are three of them, can you guess what they are?

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