Gyinu Massacre Part 2

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The group of strange-looking beings with strange names remained in the air a few centimeters off the ground as if they didn't want to bother with being on the ground with something inferior.

"Good evening good evening ma'am and gentlemen." The big purple one called Ginyu greeted. "I am going to get straight to the point and tell the Sayain and the boy to hand themselves over, we need you both alive."

"Please, if you want to struggle I want you to, I have been looking forward to taking out some frustration." The smaller green alien said.

Kurumi chuckled in amusement as she looked at the small green alien

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Kurumi chuckled in amusement as she looked at the small green alien.

"Wow, quiet the attitude coming from someone that isn't physically imposing." Kurumi laughed.

"Tch, don't you dare make a fool of me!" The green alien yelled out.

"Whoa there Guldo, remember the mission, we don't want to cause too much damage to the targets, we were ordered to bring them back alive of course." Ginyu told the small green one.

"R-right." Guldo said.

"You can still kick the life out of the Spirit, she is a minor target here." Gyinu said.

Guldo smiled at the fact as he stared at the Spirit.

"As for the Saiyan and the human, knock them out as fast as possible, show monkeys don't look too good with bruises on them." Ginyu said.


"Since it is 3 of them, I guess we could play." Ginyu said.

"Wheel. of. De-"

(Y/N) interrupted the Ginyu as he shoved his fist through the chest of the biggest one in the group, killing him instantly.

"You really think you can just come here after my house is burned down and kidnap me and my friend!?" (Y/N) growled in anger as he pulled out his fist and let body fall to the ground

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"You really think you can just come here after my house is burned down and kidnap me and my friend!?" (Y/N) growled in anger as he pulled out his fist and let body fall to the ground.

"Reccome no!" Ginyu cried out as the group scattered. "Change of plans concentrate on the Saiyan, Guldo quick!"

"On it, ZA WARUDO!" Guldo yelled out, stopping time as he held his breath.

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