Twin Trouble Part 2

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"What should we do?" Kaguya asked herself as both her and Yuzuru pulled away from (Y/N)'s hands.


Kaguya and Yuzuru continued to look at Shido, completely ignoring (Y/N).

"I have an idea Yuzuru!" Kaguya announced.

"Question: what is this idea?" Yuzuru asked.

"I have decided on a new contest, we have fought to 25 victories, 25 losses, and 49 draws, we are starting to lose ways we can compare ourselves, but there is one thing we can both compete on and decide who is the better one." Kaguya said.

"Inquiry: and that is?"

Kaguya looked at Shido, and smiled.

"The one thing we haven't completed in is charm!" Kaguya exclaimed.

"Agreement, we have yet to complete in this field." Yuzuru agreed.

Oh no, if it is what I think it is I hope they aren't into me, I know for a fact I can't seal Spirits, and Shido needs to suffer the burden, not me, nope. (Y/N) thought to himself.

"Although it is already known that I. Kaguya, maiden of the storm is the clear winner, I will still give you a chance." Kaguya saidto Yuzuru.

"False, Kaguya is a 4 out of 10 at best, only attractive to the animal of a Saiyan that is in either side of us, Yuzuru is clearly much cuter." Yuzuru said.


"Hey!" Kaguya shouted. "Whatever, we will just see who will win by seducing this man."

Time Skip

(Y/N) sighed as he carried off Tohka to the infirmary as a crowd formed around the entrance of the hotel.

"At least it isn't me." (Y/N) said to himself as he dropped of Tohka and waited inside for Shido, Reine, and the twins to arrive.

"Now come on Shido, all you have to do is choose me, pledge your loyalty, devote you mind, body, and soul to Kaguya." Kaguya said as she twirled her finger on Shido's chest.

"False, nothing good will come out of choosing Kaguya, Yuzuru trusts that you choose wisely." Yuzuru said as she got closer to Shido.

"Quite the mess you have gotten yourself in Reine said after she walked in, closing the door behind her.

"You could say that." Shido said.

"Come on Shido, say it, who is better, Kaguya or Yuzuru?" Kaguya said with a smug expression on her face.

"Question, who is better, Yuzuru, or Kagu-yuck?" Yuzuru asked nonchalantly.

"Hey what did you call me?!" Kaguya asked, enraged.

"Ignore, Yuzuru is better than Kagu-yuck." Yuzuru said, ignoring Kaguya.

"Stop calling me that!" Kaguya yelled out.

"By the way, what's the point in fighting each other, you guys are like twins or somethinglike that based on looks and energy." (Y/N) asked.

"Yeah, why are you 2 competing against each other anyway?" Shido asked.

"Oh, we didn't tell you?" Kaguya asked.

"Blunder, we forgot to tell you, as Judge you deserve the right to know." Yuzuru said, ignoring (Y/N).

(Y/N) sighed.

"You keep getting ignored today haven't you?" Reine asked, still listening in on the explanations.

"Yeah, they probably had a bad experience with my kind perhaps." (Y/N) said, listening in on the conversation as well.

"Anyway, I will go and try to contact the Fraxinus to tell them about the situation." Reine said as she pulled out a tablet and walked off.

"Oh well, might as well do it my way as well." (Y/N) said.

The Saiyan closed his eyes and focused on one being he knew he could trust, and who would take immediate action upon learning the information, Kotori. He focused hard, putting his fingers on his forehead in hopes of teleporting with his Instant Transmission technique. Yet he hit a wall, unable to reach the Fraxinus.

That's strange, something's blocking me. (Y/N) thought as he continued to focus and find any faint signal of Kotori's energy.

But itwas to no use, his senses outside the island where blocked, he could not reach Kotori.

Odd, I can only sense the energies of thr people on the island, and this one big energy... (Y/N) said as he grew more and more pale as this energy, or rather, energies, eclipsed his own. One energy is the exact same as mine, but the other one is 5 times bigger.

"How is it on your end (Y/N)?" Reine asked, snapping him out of his train of thought.

"Oh uh, yeah, I got nothing, something is blocking me." (Y/N) said as he took his fingers off his head.

"Alright then, mind if you two come with me?" Reine asked the Yamai twins. "I could teach you ways to get into Shin's heart, he is not as easy as you think."

Kaguya chuckled at the idea.

"You think you have something to teach me you lowly human?" Kaguya asked with her confidence worn on her face.

"I won't be limited to helping only one of you." Reine said.

Kaguya's expression changed and looked at Yuzuru. Both nodded and got up and followed Reine out of the room. Shido sighed a sigh of relief.

"What am I going to do?" Shido asked himself.

"Well not let one die, that's gonna be fun." (Y/N) said with sarcasm in his voice.

"Easier said than done." Shido said. "I am sometimes so, so jealous of you."

"Oh trust me, you shouldn't be, you sister puts me through hell" (Y/N) said with a chuckle. "But hey, at least she lets me train to my heart's content on the Fraxinus as a sorry from time to time."

Shido laughed.

"Yeah, I almost forgot about that, it shouldn't be a problem now, didn't Reine said that your tail is not a weak point any more?" Shido asked.

"Yep, that is something so no more tail stomping, that was getting annoying honestly." (Y/N) said.

"By the way, haven't you thought of...removing, your tail?" Shido asked.

"Oh good heavens no, that shit would hurt like hell." (Y/N) said as he walked over to the door. "Heard there is some good mackerel so I will see you there."

"See you man." Shido said as (Y/N) left.

Meanwhile, at the DEM ship

"I think he has finally taken notice oc you 2." One of the DEM members said.

"Oh well, like it will help him." A figure said as his tail swung in the air, looking at the screen.

"We will have a playmate Vegeta, won't we?" Another, larger figure said as he stood behind Vegeta.

"We will have a playmate Vegeta, won't we?" Another, larger figure said as he stood behind Vegeta

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"Yes Nappa, we will, soon, maybe we will go to the queen after." Vegeta said.

"Yay!!!!!!!" Nappa exclaimed in excitment.

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