(Y/N), an orphan who fends for himself and a desire for combat has had a normal life, well he had been bullied due to his tail but who cares that all changes when he starts to feel weird energies as soon as he decides to use his senses.
All rights b...
Every boy in the room cheered and complimented Kurumi's looks while (Y/N) was shaking in fear.
How does one's ki feel like this, it isn't natural for anything to have fake feeling energy. (Y/N) thought while quivering in fear his fear.
"And I am a Spirit." Kurumi stated.
I knew it but, why is her energy like this?
Shido, Tohka, and Origami's eyes widened, why would she reveal something like that.
"What an...interesting introduction Mrs. Tokisaki now you may take a seat-" Tamae Sensei began.
"Wait, I am still new to this school so may I have someone to show me around?" Kurumi cut off Tamae.
"Um, sure."
"I can help!" Tonomachi volunteered.
"No thank you." Kurumi shot the poor guy down.
She walked to back past Tonomachi and in front of Shido.
"Will you help me?" Kurumi asked.
"What me?!" Shido asked in a surprised manner.
Time Skip
"Listen Shido be extremely careful with her." (Y/N) warned Shido, holding Shido's shoulders while shaking.
"Hey are you okay, this is really unlike you?" Shido asked.
"NO I AM FUCKING NOT!" (Y/N) shouted, scaring Shido.
"Look dude, calm down and tell me what is wrong." Shido said in a semi-shaken manner.
"Yeah, alright, I'll tell you." (Y/N) said as he was setting down. "It's Kurumi."
"Kurumi, how is she making you shaking this bad?" Shido asked.
"It's just that her...energy...it...feels...fake." (Y/N) explained.
"Huh, what do you mean by that?" Shido asked.
"What I mean is that it doesn't feel like it is the real Kurumi add to that aggressiveness, bloodlust, being stonger than me by a landslide, and hunger I could feel from her, you get the idea...just be careful." (Y/N) told Shido.
"Okay just remain calm alright, I'll be careful." Shido told (Y/N).
"Good luck little man." (Y/N) told Shido.
Time Skip
"It's kind of nice for you to walk home with us (Y/N)." Shido said.
"Y-yeah." (Y/N) said as he carried Tome in his arms.
(Y/N) was still shaken from the mere presence of Kurumi Tokisaki so he decided to take a different path home. That lead to walking home with Shido and Tohka after they went shopping. While they were talking, (Y/N) noticed something up ahead, a little girl that strangely looked a lot like Shido.
Her energy feels a lot like Shido's, could it be...(Y/N) thought.
"It was like Tobiichi-I mean, big sister said." The girl said.
...hold the fuck up.
"Do any of you know her?" Shido asked.
"Nope." (Y/N) responded.
"No." Tohka responded.
The girl got really close to Shido.
"Big..." The girl began.
"Big brother!" The girl finished as she hugged Shido.
"NANI DA FUC!" (Y/N) shouted in surprise.
At the Itsuka residence
"Hello, I am Mana Takamiya, nice to meet you!" Mana introduced herself.
"So you have a long lost biological sister, that has now found you, neat." (Y/N) reviewed the situation.
"I'm surprised, I didn't think Shido had another sister." Tohka said.
"Not a secret love child but a but secret sister huh, you really are something else Shido." Yoshinon commented.
"Don't say it like that." Shido said.
"Well anyways I am going, Tome gets anxious when she isn't home for long periods of time." (Y/N) told the everyone as he left with Tome on his shoulder.
"Alright, see ya." Tohka said.
"Goodbye (Y/N)." Yoshinon said.
"G-goodbye." Yoshino said.
(Y/N) walked out of the room and into the hall of the front entrance. Once there, he let his tail loose.
"God it's so uncomfortable as a belt." (Y/N) commented as he cracked the joints of his tail to relive tenson and stiffness.
He got out of the house with Tome quickly running towards the direction of home. As they walked, (Y/N) didn't notice someone following him.
"I didn't think any of you were still around," Someone said. "must be quite boring for you."
(Y/N) stopped and turned around to see Mana.
"What the hell, aren't you supposed to still be with Shido and the others?" (Y/N) asked.
"I was but, if I stayed there longer I would have to revel classified subjects." Mana expianed. "plus, I have orders to execute a Saiyan."
(Y/N) gave a confused look at Mana.
"What the fuck is a Saiyan?" (Y/N) asked.
"It's what you are." Mana blandly stated.
"What are you talking about I am human!" (Y/N) shouted.
"Have you ever wondered about your tail and it's sensitivity?" Mana asked.
(Y/N) froze.
"If not let me give you give you a description of a Saiyan," Mana said. "Saiyans are humanoid creatures with monkey-like tails, they have superhuman levels of strength, agility, durability, senses, and most dangerous of all, Ki manipulation. They have a passive ability to become stronger everytime they survive a life-threatening encounters in order to overcome that encounter, this ability is known as a Zenki boost. They also have the ability to unlock certain transformations such as Ikari, and various Super Saiyan forms, which I doubt you have unlocked yet."
(Y/N) looked at Mana in shock, he checks out all of boxes, he isn't human...
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