The Day Everything Burned

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"Why did it have to be such a suffocate suit?" (Y/N) asked himself as he tugged at his collar.

The Festival was loud and full of activities, all from different people from different schools trying to make their booths as successful as possible. However, it was hard to get lost in it as (Y/N) quickly and swiftly made his way to the area that was made into a maid café.

"Of course, they went with this." (Y/N) sighed as he walked into the maid café.

The boy made his way past the employee-only doors and up the stairs, standing behind a couple of maids. Then suddenly they all stood in a military-like formation as they faced Shido. Remembering what Reine had shown him he stood firm but relaxed. One arm rested on his side while the other bent over his stomach at a 90-degree angle before bowing with the maids after Shido's encouragement.

"Say, are you supposed to to be here?" Someone asked.

"Huh?" (Y/N) asked as before he turned to face the person.

"I don't remember considering you for the café." Ai said as she stood with Mai and Mi.

"Oh, I am just volunteering right now, I just thought that my strength and looks might be needed." (Y/N) explained.


The trio of girls circled around him and inspected every single inch of (Y/N)'s uniform and look. They looked carefully as if it were inspecting a piece of bread for mold but they couldn't find any imperfections.

"Ok, we will allow you to volunteer here, just don't screw up." Mai said once the inspection was done.

"That's so lame." Mii said.

"Sure...thanks, I promise to do my best." (Y/N) said with a smile.

"We expect as such, so for now you better bring us some girls at least." Mai said sternly.

"Aye aye ma'am." (Y/N) said as he walked off.

Time Skip

Busing tables and cleaning weren't too bad, (Y/N) could do it as quickly and efficiently as he pleased. Even when he had to do multiple tables once they were all done he had tons of free time to himself.

"Hm, it's almost time." (Y/N) said, looking at the watch in his hand. "Hopefully all will go well."

"Yeah, I hope so too." A voice behind him said.

(Y/N) jumped, getting in a fighting stance as he quickly recognized the voice but he saw nobody but a wooden wall behind him.

"Damn it, out of all the times for Kurumi to appear why did it have to be now?" (Y/N) asked himself.

Out of caution he closed his eyes to try to detect Kurumi's energy. The young boy strained himself as he continued to try to find it but all attempts were futile. The Saiyan loudly sighed as he relaxed for bit.

"I think I slept too little, maybe I will take a break later to take a nap." (Y/N) said, stretching out for a bit before going back out to continue his job.

Though, I am a bit worried on how they will do in the singing portion of this festival, from what Tonomachi told me she is in her element in that portion, so she will bet on the her performance to get her to be the winner of today. (Y/N) thought. In that case there is no excuse for me to slack off.

(Y/N) then froze as he could sense something else. The Saiyan looked up as he could feel multiple wizards advancing towards the area of the Festival. However, before he took off he stopped as he sensed a decently strong energy going to intercept the group of wizards.

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