Battle of a lifetime

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"So what?" (Y/N) said.

"As expected, you Saiyans can recover quickly emotionally as well as you do physically." Mana commented. "But no matter how marvelous you are, you are still a danger."

(Y/N) got into a stance as Mana activated her combat equipment. (Y/N) flared his aura as he powered up to prepare.

 (Y/N) flared his aura as he powered up to prepare

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"Now, time you became extinct, Saiyan." Mana said.

Mana shot out lazers from her suit that travelled at amazing speeds. (Y/N) teleported away from the path of the lazers but then the lazers changed direction with a motion of Mana's hand.

(Y/N) blocked the lazers only for Mana to slash at his back. He attempted to kick at her but she quickly dodged and kicked him.

(Y/N) crashed into the ground, his back had been cut up and was bleeding.

She's strong, stupid strong, I didn't think a person could get this strong. (Y/N) thought.

Mana rushed at him with the sword in hand to stab (Y/N). (Y/N) sidestepped to avoid the attack and unleashed an energy blast volley. Mana activated her Territory for protection and the shot out more lazers.

(Y/N) dodged the lazers and fired a Kamehameha at Mana. The Territory still protected Mana from the blast. The lazers then pierced (Y/N)'s torso, scraping major organs.

(Y/N) coughed up blood and his ki beam stopped. Taking the chance, Mana rushed in to slash at the rest of (Y/N). Before she got to him, (Y/N) put as much ki as he could to major body parts to protect them. Mana stabbed (Y/N)'s chest to penetrate his heart only for the blade to be stopped.

(Y/N) took the chance to land a punch at her stomach with as much strength available.

Mana was launched into the trees of the woods, most to the the trees in the way where destroyed. She then flew back towards the Saiyan at an incredible speed and began slashing.

(Y/N) use the ki he had left on his skin to protect himself, however, Mana's blades continued to draw blood.

Mana then kicked (Y/N) to the ground with an audible snap as she broke a few ribs. He crashed in the ground, creating a crater upon impact.

Mana the softly landed and began to walk towards (Y/N) to finish the job. The ground started to shake as a green light emerged from the crater.

"Oooh, so you have unlocked Ikari." Mana said as (Y/N) rose from the ground.

He took a deep breath as to calm himself to not go into a rage. He glared at Mana before readying a stance.

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