6 hours

717 24 4

(Y/N) swallowed the Senzu Bean, the wounds on his body quickly disappeared as the bean was swallowed, almost as if they weren't there.

"I never knew that there were more Saiyans." Reine remarked as she reviewed the footage. "Y ou would be equal to one of them but you would be easy pickings for the other one."

"I know, and with the Ki sickness, I would be as good as dead." (Y/N) said as he got up.

"That should not be a problem anymore." Reine said as she turned to face the Saiyan. "The bean should have done the trick in stableizing your energy if time didn't do it."

"What, no way, there is no way a bean could just stableize my energy." (Y/N) said.

"Well you can do a lot with it once you have a territory to manipulate it." Reine said. "You can go ahead and transform into your Ikari form outside, I will observe you."

"Sure." (Y/N) said

He soon walked outside into the peaceful night sky, the gravel crunching under (Y/N)'s shoes as he walked a safe distance from the buildings and areas where people might be around. The young Saiyan looked around to make sure he was a good enough distance away. Once satisfied, he let out a yell, as his body grew, tearing through his clothes. The eyes yellowed before the green aura surrounded his body. Once the transformation was done, (Y/N) moved his arms around, stretching them out, then striking the air rapidly, his arms becoming a blur in a matter of seconds.

"So how are you feeling?" Reine asked.

"I actually feel fine, there is nothing limiting right now." (Y/N) said, before he grunted in pain. "except that but that is just a side effect of the power of Ikari."

"I have been taking note of that, however, since you were in states of rage when you used the form, you never took note of the pain caused by the form." Reine said. "But the trade off seems worth it, your current power level is 90,010, amazing."

"Yeah, still, I need to train up a little, I can't let that power dip." (Y/N) said, powering down after. "Well thanks for checking on me Reine, you are a lifesaver."

(Y/N) yawned before he walked off to the hotel.

Time Skip

"So how are you doing?" (Y/N) asked.

"Oh, nothing much, just the usual." Shido said. "Tired."

"Yeah, same here, I have to train for a bit." (Y/N) said with a sigh.

"What for, the AST aren't much of a threat for you." Shido asked with a puzzled look.

"Yeah, but, there is a new threat now." (Y/N) answered. "Other Saiyans like me, just older and they want to make me join an anti-Spirit organization or kill me and you."

Shido looked at (Y/N) with a shooked look.

"You're telling me that there is more of you?!" Shido exclaimed in shock.

"Yep, but, I got a little boost in power from fighting their minions, so I should be good." (Y/N) said. "Maybe I could get them to join us, it would be nice."

"Well, are you sure, you already told me their intentions, what makes you think they would join us?" Shido asked.

"Well, I feel a bit of respect them, they went through some training to get to where they are they should be able to respect mine and that could make it fun for once." (Y/N) said. "Yeah it was fun playing with the AST, but they have no respect or appreciation for my strength and my hard work, you get me, maybe someone like me could get it."

"Well, I wish you the best of luck." Shido said, patting (Y/N) on the back.

"You too Shido." (Y/N) said with a smile, patting Shido on the back as light as he can, before leaving.

He walked out, a good 48 or so yards from the area Shido was before a shiny, metallic humanoid swung at (Y/N). The young Saiyan easily dodged it, after all it wasn't faster than light. With a light kick to it's torso, the robot was easily torn in half by the kick, both halfs on the ground in less than a second.

"Well well, if it isn't who I think it is." (Y/N) said as he looked at the robot. "Deus Ex Machina Industries."

(Y/N) lifted the upper half of the torso that contained the singular green eye. The camera seemed to still be running, the Saiyan smiled. He threw it up into the air, made sure that he was in view, and held up 6 fingers.

"6 hours, we will fight in 6 hours, bring your A game." (Y/N) said, before blasting the camera to bits with his fist.

Then, what was left of the robot was disintegrated with a simple Ki blast. (Y/N) smiled.

"They better not be slacking off." (Y/N) said, before he started his training, throwing multiple punches and kicks at an invisible training partner.

At the DEM ship

"Well then, looks like he knows he is ready." Vegeta said as he got up from his chair. "Nappa, we got 6 hours let's prepare for the up coming fight."

"Alright Vegeta, what console did he say we were going to use?" Nappa asked.

Vegeta groaned and face palmed, annoyed.

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