"Hey, that hurts can you be a bit more gentle!?" (Y/N) asked as his wounds were being dressed.
".....I am being gentle, you are the one who is moving." Reine responded in a sleepy tone.
"I don't trust that tone of yours like seriously, when was the last time you slept!?" (Y/N) asked.
"30 years."
"Look how about you relax so I can dress your wounds properly, you are unbelievably tense." Reine said.
(Y/N) stayed quiet for the time until she was finished. He then stood up and stretched out to relax.
(Y/N) turned to the direction of the voice to see Kotori standing at the door.
"You can go home now, phase 2 of your training will start tomorrow." Kotori said.
"YES, finally!" (Y/N) exclaimed in excitement.
"Oh and on another note we will be calling you for first assignment." Kotori said.
(Y/N) froze.
"What type of assignment will it be?" (Y/N) asked in a worried tone.
"Not much but for now you will be tasked with distracting the AST." Kotori answered.
"Whoa, really?" (Y/N) asked.
(Y/N)'s eyes lit up with excitement as he then bowed in front of Kotori.
"Thank you very much, Commander Itsuka!" (Y/N) said.
"I like the respect I am receiving, now go along now, time to go home." Kotori said.
"Yes ma'am!"
(Y/N) then place two fingers on his forehead and disappeared.
"Hopefully he won't us that ability to peek again." Kotori said.
At the (L/N) residence
(Y/N) appeared without warning at the living room. Tome freaked out and jumped around the room, knocking items over.
(Y/N), startled by Tome's sudden behavior began to scream causing the situation to worsen. Tome launched herself at (Y/N) and scratched his face up.
(Y/N) was going to scream once more, only to find the scratches weren't doing any damage or causing pain. He then decided decided to wait until Tome calmed down.
A few hours later
(Y/N) swept up the broken glass on the floor from the freak accident. He swept the last bits and dumped the pieces into a trashcan.
"So, what do you want for dinner?" (Y/N) asked Tome.
The next day
The rain came out of nowhere and completely drenched everyone who wasn't prepared. (Y/N) walked into an empty classroom, looked around for anyone who might see him, and the teleported home.
This way of traveling is very effective, maybe I might teach someone how to do this. (Y/N) thought.
He walked from the entrance of his house to the stairs to go and change until something spiked up. (Y/N) pointed his head to the direction of the energy, it was Yoshino but, something was off.
"Why can't I sense Yoshinon?" (Y/N) asked.
(Y/N) put his fingers on his head, about to teleport until he picked up another familiar energy, Shido's.
Ah well, no worries he's got this. (Y/N) thought as he went on with his day.
With Shido
"Are you hungry?" Shido asked.
Yoshino shook her head until her stomach betrayed her. Embarrassed, Yoshino hid her face in her hood.
Shido chuckled.
"How about you come to my place, I'll make you something really yummy." Shido offered.
Yoshino thought of it before taking the offer.
At the Itsuka residence
Shido was cooking a meal for Yoshino while she watched TV.
"So what is Yoshinon to you?" Shido asked.
Yoshino turned around and peeked from the couch.
"Y-yoshinon is my best friend, and also my hero, she is who I want to be, strong and brave, and not a scaredy cat like me, during times when I am scared, she would tell me that everything will be fine." Yoshino explained in a soft tone.
"So your ideal self." Shido concluded.
Yoshino nodded.
"So do you have anyone else to look up to?" Shido asked.
"T-there is also (Y/N)."
Shido continued cooking, he was not surprised by that since he and Ratatoskr had found him protecting her. He tasted the food before continuing the conversation.
"Really, how long have you known him?" Shido asked.
"I-i had just met him a few days ago and he didn't know anything about me and for some reason h-he protected me and Yoshinon and told me to go so that everything would be fine." Yoshino explained.
"He sounds like a good person." Shido said.
A few minutes later at the (L/N) residence
(Y/N) stretched as he sat at his desk looking over his completed homework. Tome laid at the bed looking over the various toys and puzzles ment for her.
"You are lucky you didn't have to worry about school Tome." (Y/N) told the cat.
Tome just stared at him before jumping down to play with one of the puzzles.
"Yeah, you have it very easy, I wish I were you." (Y/N) said.
(Y/N) looked in the direction of Shido's house where he felt Yoshino's energy disappeared instantly.
"Huh, she became Lost." (Y/N) said.
I have never felt or seen a Spirit get Lost so this is new. (Y/N) thought.
Tome slid the last block to reveal the treat hiding beneath. She then grabbed the treat and gobbled it up.
You may have it easy Tome, but unfortunately for you, you won't feel the same pleasure I feel in a fight, if they are fair at least. (Y/N) thought as he turned his attention toward Tome.
Rain clouds formed out of nowhere and rain fell from the clouds and soaked what ever it landed on.
"Wait a minute."
(Y/N) felt for Yoshino's energy but energy could be felt as well, concealing her energy. He looked toward the road, fog from the cold covered the glass.
"Well this isn't good." (Y/N) stated.
The earpiece Kotori gave (Y/N) begins to vibrate, causing noise. He picked it up and answered.
"Hey what's up." (Y/N) greeted.
"Come up to the ship, the is something for you." Kotori said.
"Wait what, why?" (Y/N) asked.
Kotori groaned in disappointment at his IQ.
"You are going to use it for your first assignment!" Kotori yelled out.

Date a Live Z (Date a Live x Male Saiyan Reader)
Random(Y/N), an orphan who fends for himself and a desire for combat has had a normal life, well he had been bullied due to his tail but who cares that all changes when he starts to feel weird energies as soon as he decides to use his senses. All rights b...