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(Y/N) looks for a possible route of escape while the people wearing armor, 5 in total, pointed their weapons at him intending to kill him.

"Hey hey I think there's a misunderstanding-"


Bullets rained down at (Y/N) and he began to dodge as many as he could with a few hitting their mark.

His clothing was being shredded and his body is stinging with pain from the bullets.

His clothing was being shredded and his body is stinging with pain from the bullets

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(Picture is a screenshot from Dragon Ball Multiverse)

(Y/N) emerged from the ground huffing and puffing with his shirt gone and his pants damaged.

If I get out of this, I'll buy another uniform. (Y/N) thought to himself.

(Y/N) knows that he needs to fight back but a Final Cannon needs time to charge.

If a Final Cannon isn't an option, then smaller blasts will do. He thought.
(Y/N) charged two small orbs of green energy and threw them at the girls in weird armor.

The two blasts were about to make contact with their targets but were blocked by a green force field made up of hexagons. The explosions sent the girls flying from the shock waves, (Y/N) quickly went behind one and punched her, sending her towards the ground resulting in an explosion on the ground.

"Continue firing until it drops dead!"

(Y/N) shot as many energy blasts as he could to stop the bullets from 3 different directions.

Wait 3? Where is the fourth one?

(Y/N) turned to see the fourth girl behind him. The girl began shooting and (Y/N) was receiving a bombardment of missiles and bullets from 4 different people.

No, I am not going to die here, not today!! (Y/N) thought.

He yelled as a sphere of energy formed from his body and then started to shoot energy blasts in all directions.

He yelled as a sphere of energy formed from his body and then started to shoot energy blasts in all directions

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All four of the girls had their shields cracked, on the verge of breaking. (Y/N) took advantage of the situation to land a punch at the girl's gut behind him and proceeded towards the rest.

The remaining 3 took out blades of plasma that glowed in a green color, then charged. (Y/N) dogged the slash attacks with ease, his adrenaline high in his body, this sensation, he enjoyed it.

"Come on! Give me more! MORE!" (Y/N) yelled, laughing, as punched and kicked the girls.

The fourth girl rose from the ground to attack from below. (Y/N) broke her guard, grabbed her head, and headbutted the hell out of the girl.

When he was done, (Y/N) landed beside the bodies of the unconscious group of attackers and threw the one he was holding with the rest.

"You are all pathetic, not even as strong as a worm; you all lasted for a minute at most, not even enough to get the blood flowing-"

A sharp pain fired up from his behind, (Y/N) collapsed in pain and looked behind to see one of the attackers grabbing his tail.

"You...Let go!" 

(Y/N) kick her in the face for her to let go. As soon as she did, he got up and examined the armor to see where they came from. The armor was known as a CR-Unit, an armor system that (Y/N) haven't heard of.

He needed more information, so he grabbed the head of one of the unconscious girls and looked into her mind. After a few minutes, he let go, he had learned what he wanted. The organization was known as the AST, and there were beings called Spirts which they were tasked to kill.

I must have been mistaken for one, so that girl is one of the so-called Spirts. (Y/N) thought. There is still more, the boy, he must know more.

(Y/N) continued to walk home to plan and prepare for the next day.

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