"When can I go home?" (Y/N) asked.
"Not until you completed all the endings with all the girls." Kotori replied out of the loudspeakers.
(Y/N) was currently staring at a computer screen in a dark and open room playing 'Fall in Love: My Little Shido'. So far he has gotten 2 out of 3 happy endings.
So apparently Shido had to go through this as well, now I just feel sorry for him considering I poked around in his head revealing embarrassing things from his chuunibyou years, he needs another friend to get him through the trouble. (Y/N) thought as he seemingly mindlessly completed the final ending.
"Nice, now time for the combat training you have been looking forward to." Kotori said.
"Finally, about time!" (Y/N) shouted.
The computer was lowered into the floor as the room shifted for the training. A door open, released a couple of unarmed drones that flew away in different directions.
(Y/N) looked at the camera in which he knew Kotori watched him from, expressing his disappointment.
"Come on, don't look so disheartened, those drones have their own energy that is similar to Spirit mana and we want you to show us how you got to Hermit instantly." Kotori explained.
"Wait who's Hermit?" (Y/N) asked.
Kotori sighed in disappointment.
"The Spirit you met before we had to rescue you, 'Hermit' is her code name used by both the AST and Ratatoskr." Kotori explained.
"Ok, that makes sense." (Y/N) replied.
(Y/N) turned back to face the drones and focused on their energy.
These drones indeed have their own energy signature, now didn't I have two fingers on my head before I somehow teleported to Yoshino. (Y/N) thought.
He then put both, his index finger and middle finger on the center of his forehead and focused on one drone. Instantly, he was in front of the drone, surprised, (Y/N) tried it again with a different drone. He continued teleporting to and from the drones until (Y/N) teleported right next to Kotori who had just got out of the bath.
Both stared at each other in awkward silence followed by both of them turning red in embarrassment. Kotori let out a scream that could be heard throughout the house as (Y/N) teleported away.
Shido burst into the room about to ask what was going on until he received a roundhouse kick to the head that was intended for (Y/N). Kotori now had her towel wrapped around her body. Tohka burst out of her room to see what caused the commotion only to see an embarrassed and infuriated Kotori and a K.Oed Shido. Tohka then went back to her room to avoid the mess.
Back with (Y/N)
When he arrived, (Y/N) held his nose to stop the blood that was gushing out.
Out of all the things I certan about, is that I am already dead. (Y/N) thought.
The doors opened to reveal thousands of different drones and guns, armed and aiming at the Saiyan.
Called it.
Back at the Itsuka residence
Kotori watched from a tablet in her hands as she commanded every gun the ship to fire at (Y/N). She pressed buttons like a mad woman as she watched him in the room with no escape whatsoever. She got bombs, guns, magically enhanced weapons, grenade launchers, flamethrowers, and armed a nuke, if (Y/N) does escape he was not going to escape unscathed.

Date a Live Z (Date a Live x Male Saiyan Reader)
Random(Y/N), an orphan who fends for himself and a desire for combat has had a normal life, well he had been bullied due to his tail but who cares that all changes when he starts to feel weird energies as soon as he decides to use his senses. All rights b...