(Y/N), an orphan who fends for himself and a desire for combat has had a normal life, well he had been bullied due to his tail but who cares that all changes when he starts to feel weird energies as soon as he decides to use his senses.
All rights b...
This island looked picture perfect, (Y/N) could hear Tohka gasp in wonder as she looked at the ocean. (Y/N couldn't help but chuckle.
This place might be bigger, but I can't help but draw the similarities of here and the Kame House. (Y/N) thought as he started to walk along.
It had all been calm so far, but he couldn't shake the feeling, that someone, was watching him...
"Incoming from Adeptus 1, arrival at the target destination, targets confirmed on North District, camera 6 and 9, it's Princess and the monkey."
The large screens in the room zoomed in on the faces of Tohka and (Y/N).
"How anticlimactic, is that really a Spirit?" A man asked, looking at the screen.
"Don't let your guard down, she may be a Spirit, so level 1 precautions are a must." Ellen said over the intercom. "And it is the minimum for a confirmed Saiyan."
"I will take that to heart." The man said, his cocky attitude now gone. "By the way, what about the Wizard you just encountered?"
With (Y/N)
(Y/N) walked off, the feeling of being watched was too much to bear, even though he couldn't confirm. His dangerous uses of his own ki now made (Y/N) untrusting of his ki detection that added to the difficulty of detecting humans.The winds started to pick up, suddenly becoming violent. (Y/N) didn't really care, it wasn't blowing him away even if it increased in intensity. The Saiyan simply walked over to the area where the Spirits where approaching. The wind grew in power, gaining hurricane speeds and making trees groan and snap as they where pushed.
That is some impressive power if they weren't working together to make these winds. (Y/N) thought as he continued to walk around.
(Y/N) turned to sound, just in time to watch Tohka get knocked out by 2 pieces of debris flying in the air.
Oh crap, that means
(Y/N) started to blast off at remaining debris flying in the air, running down just in time to catch Tohka.
"Tohka!" Shido cried out before (Y/N) caught her. "(Y/N), what are you doing here?"
"I should be asking that, keep your head low, don't want anything hitting you." (Y/N) said as he gently put Tohka down.
He looked up and saw cracks of lightning in the sky, clashing into each other, intensifying the winds with every strike as they got lower. It had gotten to the point where (Y/N) had to shield himself with his arm as Shido held on to the ground to prevent from being blown away. The winds soon started to ease up as the lightning stopped and 2 figures lowered themselves to the ground.
"Spirits, or are they AST, but the alarm didn't go off..." Shido said before a clash threw him and the recently picked up Tohka to the ground, just before he saw the 2 figures as they touched the ground and stood looking at each other.
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They both looked almost identical, yet there were distinct differences between the 2. They both had similar hair styles, but one had her braid hand out from the back of her head. One of the twins had a more lively face, wearing a smug smile on her face unlike the other girl who had a monotone, blank expression. Yet the most notable difference was their dresses and weapons. One had purplish Astral Dress and wielded a massive drill-like spear. The other one had a blue dress and had chains in her hands.
"Spirits, two of them?" Shido asked.
"So it would seem." (Y/N) said, tensed up and ready to fight incase things got hairy.
One of the girls started to chuckle.
"Not bad Yuzuru, just as expected from my other half but that all ends today!" The girl declared.
"Rebuttal, this is our 100th battle, I have the upper hand, not you Kaguya." Yuzuru said in a robotic tone.
Oh god please not an Origami 2.0. (Y/N) thought.
"Ha, you prattle, why don'tyou just admit that I am the most suitable Spirit to become Yamai?" Kaguya asked.
"Negative, I will be the one to survive, the name doesn't suit you anyway." Yuzuru said.
"Useless struggling, my future devil sight has already seen your demise by the strike of my Sturm Lance!" Kaguya declared again.
"Point, your future devil sight has never been correct." Yuzuru said.
This seemed to fluster Kaguya.
"S-shut up, it has been correct before, and don't make fun of me!" Kaguya said.
"Shin, (Y/N), can you hear me?" Reine asked through the ear piece.
"Oh, hey." (Y/N) answered.
"Eh, Reine?" Shido asked.
"I finally got through, where in the world are you two."
"That's..." Shido begain.
"It's a bit complicated." (Y/N) said before hearing a beep of an Xbox achievement.
"Demand, explain the Sturm Lance." Yuzuru demanded.
Kaguya scoffed.
"There is nothing that ties my Sturm Lance to reason, tangible yet intangible, visible but invisible, only specializing to the art of stabing and piercing-" Kaguya went on.
"Summary, it is meaningless." Yuzuru interrupted.
"That is not true, it is meaningful, too meaningful, you are just too stupid to understand!" Kaguya shouted out to defend her weapon.
"Scorn. Sturm Lance, LOL, Ha." Yuzuru said before smiling and turning her face away.
"DON'T LAUGH!" Kaguya shouted. "To compensate for making me angry you have to pay me with that body of yours!"
They both exploded in gusts of wind as they soon charged at each other for another clash.
"Ah fuck it." (Y/N) said before he zoomed in and caught both of their fists.
"Wait!" Shido shouted.
"Huh?" Both Spirits looked at both boys in surprise.
"Humans?" Kaguya asked.
"Wonder, I cannot contain my surprise." Yuzuru said.
"Uh...no..." Shido said.
"Well, I am not technically human." (Y/N) whispered under his breath.
"What are your intentions on interrupting our duel?" Kaguya asked. "Depending on you answer, my...um...Schatten Lance will stab and pierce you."
"Point, the name is different." Yuzuru pointed out.
"Who cares, be quiet Yuzuru." Kaguya said.
"Doubt, I don't understand why I must be silent." Yuzuru said.
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