(Y/N), an orphan who fends for himself and a desire for combat has had a normal life, well he had been bullied due to his tail but who cares that all changes when he starts to feel weird energies as soon as he decides to use his senses.
All rights b...
A/N: Remember, everything here is unofficial, the events here didn't happen in the actual story.
5 years ago
Embers flew into the sky as flames flowed and consumed everything at its path. Out of the bushes at the edge of Tengu City, a 10-year-old (Y/N) stumbled out of a bush looking for protection from the fire.
The young boy sweated as heat emitting from the flames reached his back. Still looking around, he found a large object covered in vines. Curious and desperate, (Y/N) ripped the vines from the thing to reveal course stone behind it.
He continued to rip the vines off in the hope it could be a sheltered place. (Y/N) found a large door and burst inside a large open room that had and fireproof exterior. Too exhausted and sweaty to investigate the building, he fell asleep and left as soon as the flames dissipated.
(Y/N), with Tome on his shoulder, walked down the same path he went to that building. For the past few days, he had been bored with his studies. During one of his moments of boredom (Y/N) had remembered a place he took shelter 5 years ago after a great fire.
They went down the trail that had been scorched and covered in ashes. The path then opened to reveal a stone building with a lackered wooden door and window frames.
Honestly, I am surprised to see a building like this in Japan still standing despite the earthquakes. (Y/N) thought.
Tome got off (Y/N)'s shoulders and walked over to one of the glass windows. The window was a stained glass window with a depiction of a cross.
Huh, so this is a church then, there is a sign that says that it was established in the 1800s, wonder why it was abandoned. (Y/N) thought.
He entered the building and saw the open space with rows of benches, a chandelier dangled from the ceiling illuminating its surroundings with golden light. The altar was located at the end of the room with a large cross.
"So what do you think Tome, figure we could sell some of this stuff to local communities or overseas?" (Y/N) asked.
"I will take that as a yes. We need more money anyway for our food, care products, etc. Now, let's get to work" said (Y/N).
He flew up to the cross, unhung it, and gently placed it outside. (Y/N) the went to the altar and took it out of the things holding it to the ground.
[Time Skip because I am lazy]
After taking all the religious items out of the building, he located a pawnshop and started to walk with all of the items. On the way, (Y/N) got more attention than he expected but it made sense. It's not every day you get to see someone carrying what looks like a few tons. When he arrived everyone gave him weird looks while he walked up to the back to do business. The shopkeeper said he would to this as long as the shop gets 25% of the profits. (Y/N) agreed to this and then went home.
The next day
(Y/N) and Tome went back to the building to renovate parts of the building. They replaced floorboards, painted walls and the ceiling, and added new furniture. They left the windows alone out of respect for the building and the people who built it. After they were done (Y/N) went to the backroom to check if there were still some items there.
He entered and the smell of sawdust and metal hit his senses. In the room, there were multiple instruments of different shapes and sizes.
Instruments are worth a lot of money, I'll check if they are still in working order before selling them, plus learning something new can be rewarding. (Y/N) thought.
He took a flute, and went home and spent two hours practicing and learning the flute before going to bed.
Morning during school
It was morning, Tohka and Origami had baked cookies for Shido and are currently having a scuffle. It then got to the point where both attempted to punch each other. Fortunately or unfortunately, Shido got in the way taking the blows.
Deciding to show off his skills, (Y/N) took out the flute from the day before from his bag. He then began playing Sadness and Sorrow while Shido was groveling in pain on the ground.
(A/N: I don't own this song or this video the credit goes to their respective owners)
The following afternoon (Y/N) tested and sold all of the instruments except a piano and the flute for a few reasons. The flute, (Y/N) took a liking for the flute and enjoyed playing it due to its soft sounds that gave a relaxing feeling. The piano, Tome took a liking to it since she could take naps on it, and somehow Tome had learned how to play the piano by (Y/N) playing it.
(Y/N) sat on one of the benches, looking around him, proud of his work. The floorboards matched well with the medieval theme of the building, the walls were repainted with the ceiling to cover up the scotches from the flames from 5 years ago, carpets had been replaced, the windows now have new curtains, and the windows had been cleaned so that their colors stand out. Tired, he turned to leave until the doors opened to reveal a black-haired girl, with pale white skin, one of her eyes was a scarlet red, bangs covered her other eye, her hair was in twin tails, and she was also wearing the Raizen female school uniform.
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"Ara, I didn't know there was anyone here." The girl said.
"And I didn't think anyone would even come here." (Y/N) replied.
"Sorry if this is your property, I just couldn't resist the beauty of this place." The girl insisted.
"If what you came to do is have a look then have a look around, I was leaving anyway."
As the girl walked around, (Y/N) quickly grabbed Tome and went towards the door. The girl had seen the cat, her face lit up almost instantly.
"Excuse me, can I pet her?" The girl asked.
"Sure, she won't mind." (Y/N) answered.
The girl put a hand over Tome's head and began petting her, Tome did not react but she didn't mind. The girl then moved her hand and began to scratch Tome's chin, in response Tome purred loudly. The girl noticed that (Y/N) was still watching, and she looked at him sternly.
"You will not speak of this, is that clear?"
"Y-yeah." (Y/N) responded.
He then took Tome and ran out as fast as he could. He didn't stop until he was home with all the doors locked.
I don't know why but something about that girl, feels familiar, her energy felt unusual and terrifying, she scares me. (Y/N) thought.
After checking and locking every door and window (Y/N) went to sleep. He never went to the building again.