Strangest Day

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As soon as (Y/N) got home, Tome meowed to announce the arrival of her friend. (Y/N) sat next to Tome on the couch to pet her as she tries to tend to his wounds.

"It's alright, I just got in a good fight that's all, I'm ok." (Y/N) reassured his feline friend.

Still, Tome licked at his body to stop the bleeding so it would be easier to heal.

"Oh well, I'll serve dinner then."

(Y/N) got up and went to the kitchen to get food. He served Tome's food first as a sign of gratitude. Sizzling in the kitchen could be heard as the food was being cooked on the stovetop. A loud ring sounded as (Y/N)'s phone received an email.

"Hmm, wonder what's up." (Y/N) said to himself.

He opened his email and read the most recent one. School had been canceled due to a space quake that happened at the school.

"Well then, luckily I get to go get groceries and a new uniform." (Y/N) said.
[Time Skip]

In the morning (Y/N) grabs Tome, placing the kitten on his shoulder and set off. The cat held on with its claws digging into the shirt the mountain of a guy. (Y/N) went to the pet shop first to buy some cat food and a few toys for the cat to play with. Then in the grocery store, he was being yelled at for having an animal in the store but, (Y/N) didn't even care.

After that was over, he proceeded to the school supplies store when...

"The hell?"

(Y/N) stopped in his tracks and looked in the direction he felt something.

"I haven't felt this energy since..."

Then it hit him, it was the so-called Spirit that gave him a scar on April 10th.

(Y/N) though of that day. The day he was injured terribly by a girl. That day was the day that sparked interest in (Y/N) as to what she is and how she gained so much power. However, another part of him wanted to harm it and destroy it, this thing was a challenge to his power, this part didn't like it. (Y/N) didn't like the thoughts at the back of his head and began to argue with the more violent thoughts in his head.

Tome knew what was going on and nudged her nose against the head which was resting on the shoulders she was holding onto. (Y/N) looked at Tome, the action of the kitten snapped him out of his stance, the cat pointed her nose at the direction of the school supplies store.

[Time Skip]

After arriving home, (Y/N) left everything from his shopping trip in his house, including Tome. After closing the door, (Y/N) ran towards the direction of the energy signature to challenge the Spirit.

Though he saw the point of view from the AST member, he didn't want to do this because he wanted to save the human race, he was doing this to get answers.

By all things, I had been bested by a girl, though she isn't human, I want to find out why she is here and how she is that powerful. (Y/N) thought.

With superhuman speed, he arrived in a since of a blue-haired boy with a bullet wound through the side of his gut. Upon looking at the face of the boy, (Y/N) recognized him as Shido Itsuka. Upon seeing him hit the ground (Y/N)'s most valuable source of information was gone.

The girl who was at his side covered the wound with her school jacket. She looked down at the corpse of the Shido, sadness the changed to rage as she yelled, "THIS WORLD HAS REJECTED ME!"

She transformed when a bolt of lightning hit her, armor formed, and replaced her school uniform. When she was done, the girl stomped the ground hard enough to make it crumble. A throne emerged from the ground with a sword handle on top.

The girl unsheathed the sword and then cut the throne in half. The throne shattered, the pieces added to the sword to make a larger sword.

The Spirit swung her sword, creating a slash attack that cut a cliff and created a small ravine

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The Spirit swung her sword, creating a slash attack that cut a cliff and created a small ravine.

(Y/N) snapped back from the shock and looked in shock at the raw power in display.

This power... it far eclipses my own, how is she capable of such power, how many push-ups did she do how many sit-ups...


What the hell, those AST members, the city, Tome...I got to act fast. (Y/N) thought.

He flew forwards, charging a Final Cannon. When he was behind an AST member whose shields have been broken, he unleashed it full force.

If I manage to knock her out, I could probably still gain some information on what is going on.

The Spirit blocked the beam of energy with the giant sword in her hand. She looked at (Y/N) in anger, raised her sword until...


Shido fell out of the sky screaming for a person to save him.

"Shido?" The Spirit turned away and caught him.

What the hell, didn't he die from a bullet to the side of his gut, (Y/N) questioned until the Spirit's energy began to deplete as Shido and the Spirit kissed. WHAT THE HELL.

(Y/N) watched the two as the Spirit's armor began to disappear revealing that she had nothing underneath.

(Y/N) quickly turned around as soon as he realized that he could be accused of being a pervert and left before he could be seen. When he was out of sight (Y/N) began to process what had just happened.

So I managed to see a person who is possibly immoral and could absorb power. (Y/N) thought. Shido Itsuka, you have lit up my interest in you even further.

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