Great Ape

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(Y/N) stood up and continued to look up at the sky.

It should have blown up by now, and I don't sense anything. (Y/N) thought as he continued to look at the clouds. Where is he, that blast couldn't have killed someone like that.

The young Saiyan powered up to full power, he knew something big was approaching, just not when. The seconds passed, it just made (Y/N) more tense than before his brain screaming at his body to remain tense and to prepare for the up coming fight. Then, it came, from the side.

Vegeta, now in his Great Ape form, kicked at (Y/N)'s side. Despite a power level 90,010 (Y/N) was sent flying into the ocean with one broken bone in his arm and a concussion, further reinforced by his body slamming into the bedrock bed of the ocean.

Oh god...this reminds me of my freshman year in school, I was call Geeku, I was Piccolo's slave and I couldn't get Chi Chi to like me- Wow I hit that rock very hard. (Y/N) thought.

(Y/N) then shot out of the water at great speed, a tad bit faster this time. Vegeta saw the youngster and gave chase.

Ok, I got a plan, and this is sure to work. (Y/N) thought to himself as Vegeta was getting closer.

"It's over brat, I am 10 times stronger now, there is no hope for you!" Vegeta yelled out, his hands outstretched to crush (Y/N).

(Y/N) suddenly stopped and implanted both of his boots in both of Vegeta's eyes, using Vegeta's momentum to drive them deep. Vegeta screamed in pain as (Y/N) pulled out his feet from the boots before Vegeta's hands got around his face.

"OH GOD, MY EYES MY FUCKING EYES!" Vegeta roared in pain.

(Y/N) quickly got around and encase his hand in a sharpened field of Ki and rushed to cut off the tail. Unfortunately, the tail was swinging wildly and hit (Y/N), sending him flying. (Y/N) blindly shot the Ki blade at the giant tail as he flew through tree after tree, before he hit the ground, making a deep trench in it.  He groaned as he shakily got up, several bones on his back and sides were broken, and although he could stand, he cloud barely feel his legs.

"I should have taken the Senzu beans before this." (Y/N) told himself before sensing if his blade hit. "Shit I missed."

He sighed, there was only one card left that he could use. (Y/N) then raised his arms.

Earth, give me all the energy you can give me. (Y/N) thought to himself as the clouds split near him.

With Vegeta

"That asshole will pay!" Vegeta yelled out as one of his eyes recovered. "Useless thing!"

He destroyed a small territory device installed on his armor as it had run out of power and looked around to look for (Y/N).

"Where the fuck did he go?" Vegeta growled while he looked around. "There."

He then ran over, following the small trail of destruction.

With Reine

"Not good." Reine said.

The monitors displayed different information in (Y/N)'s current health, and now it wasn't looking so good. Multiple bones at the ribs were either broken or at the very least, fractured and the 2 bones on his left forearm were fractured at multiple places.

Reine opened the binder that was labeled "Operation Donkey Kong". She currently didn't have the resources to pull it off now she needs the Fraxinus to pull it off. Even then, if Saiyans are vulnerable to magic, who's to say they can develop a strong enough resistance. Reine pulled at her hair in frustration, there had to be something, but all options were seemingly useless. She can only sit back and watch.

With (Y/N)

"There it should be done." (Y/N) said as he raised his fist and looked at the approaching Vegeta. "Take this, energy from the entire world!"

(Y/N) moved to punch to shoot the energy at Vegeta. Vegeta, simply opened his mouth and shot a beam huge at him.

Well shit.

(Y/N) barley dodged the beam and hit a small formation of rocks before hitting the ground hard.

"Hey kid, what is the opposite of Christopher Walken?" Vegeta asked.


"Christopher Reeves!" Vegeta jump and his foot stomped on both of (Y/N)'s legs.

(Y/N) screamed in pain.

"That...was in bad taste." (Y/N) said as Vegeta picked him up.

"Don't care, evil, now (S/N), I will crush the life out of you." Vegeta said, before his hands tightened and started to crush the younger Saiyan's body.

(Y/N) let out a scream, that could be hear, all-around the island, as his body was breaking. Vegeta smiled sadisticly as his grip tighted.

"To think that you were this planet's strongest warrior, yet here you are, you can't stop me." Vegeta gloated. "None of you can stop me-huh?"

Vegeta paused, he looked up, in shock and in rage as he heard something heavy fall to the ground.

"God..." he dropped (Y/N) as he slowly, returned to his base state. "GOD DAAAAMMMMMMNNNNNNNN IIIIIIIIIIIIT!"

(Y/N) was about to hit the ground before Tohka snatched him out of the air and set him down gently on the ground.

"Oh..." was all Tohka could mutter as she looked at the boy's state. "Don't worry, I will get you to help as fast as possible!"

"Don't bother, here, I will give you, what strength I have left." (Y/N) said as he grabbed Tohka's hand and gave her the last of his energy.

Vegeta rapidly went for a strike, only for that to be blocked by Sandalphon and pushed back by Tohka. Tohka glared at Vegeta as she got into a stance, getting ready for the next attack.

"...what can you do?" Vegeta scoffed, amused by Tohka's challenge.

"I will hurt you the same way you hurt my friend." Tohka said, charging up the energy.

(Y/N) groaned as he raised his only functioning arm, again gathering energy.

Thanks Tohka, I should get to gather a little more energy this time. (Y/N) thanked in his head as he charged the Spirit Bomb.

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