(Y/N) looked at his watch. There were only few minutes left.
Ok, I should be way more than enough to take the big guy, Nappa was it, doesn't matter, the real problem is Vegeta, if he gets a look at the moon, I am in real trouble. (Y/N) thought to himself. I am not using Kaioken with Ikari again like I did against Kurumi, it will just mess me up.
"Hi, we're here." Nappa announced.
"Oh hey, you guys are on time." (Y/N) said as he watched the pair of Saiyans land, with a smile as he got into a stance. "I am just gonna show off right now if you guys don't mind."
With a yell, (Y/N) charged up his energy. The ground shook violently while small rocks started to levitate around him. When he was done a few seconds later, (Y/N) let out a a sigh as he relaxed.
"Vegeta, what does the scouter say about his power level?" Nappa asked.
Vegeta touched the button on his scouter.
"It's....1006." Vegeta said.
"What, really?" Nappa asked, looking surprised.
It's actually way more than that, but ok. (Y/N) thought.
"Yeah, kick his ass Nappa." Vegeta said.
Nappa lept at (Y/N), only to get kicked at the side of his head by the younger Saiyan. (Y/N) punched Nappa in the face the stomach, shoulders, and the legs repeatedly. Nappa kept yelling in pain at every push that landed on him, all done worse by the fact that he couldn't do anything.
Maybe I should do that Chun-Li combo Tonomachi kept annoying me about. (Y/N) thought as he landed a roundhouse kick to Nappa's side.
"Hm, that doesn't seem right." Vegeta said as he watched the beat down, tapping at his Scouter.
"My arm doesn't bend that way, my arm doesn't bend that way!"
"Wait, wait wait wait, Nappa!" Vegeta called out.
Nappa was tossed on the ground and bounced over to Vegeta's feet.
"What!" Nappa cried out.
"I had the scouter upside-down, it's over 9,000, rah." Vegeta stated, with a bored expression.
"Why do you seem so bored?" Nappa asked.
"Because he's still not a threat."
"To me, besides, when we get the Dragon Balls, will will just wish for immortality, then no one can stop us." Vegeta told Nappa.
Oh, but I killed Piccolo, no problem, I can just teleport to where Popo points at me so I can just wish for him back, just as long as the Ball in my bag is still intact. (Y/N) said, taking out a small bag and emptied it's contents.
Dust and pieces of rock poured out of the bag.
"Well shit, you destroyed one in our fight yesterday." (Y/N) stated.
"Oh and I totally did that, oh well, at least we had fun on the way here, remembering the bug planet Vegeta?" Nappa asked, before repeating Vegeta's name.
Vegeta gritted his teeth, and threw Nappa in the air before blasting him with a energy beam, disinteg rating him. Vegeta began to laugh in joy.
"He's gone, he's gone, he's finally gone!" Vegeta exclaimed in happiness. "I am so happy right now, I might not even kill you!"
"Really?" (Y/N) asked with a tilt to his head.
Vegeta slowly stopped laughing. The clouds have blanketed the night sky, making the Moon not much of a threat now.
"Oh no, you are totally screwed." Vegeta told (Y/N)
(Y/N) sighed.
"You know, you really didn't do much so you can go away now, there is no point in continuing this." (Y/N) said.
"Such tripe, where is your Saiyan Pride?" Vegeta asked. "We are proud warriors born to fight and conquer, this planet has made you soft."
"Eh, it has gotten me almost killed many many times before." (Y/N) said. "Again, I will accept any apologies you-"
"No, I am not sorry!" Vegeta interrupted (Y/N).
Oh well, I will start easy on him. (Y/N) thought as he got ready.
"Kaioken!" (Y/N) yelled.
"Kaio what?" Vegeta asked before he got punched in the face.
(Y/N) unleashed fury of punches and then send him flying with a knee to the side. Vegeta recoved and hit (Y/N) once he got out Kaioken. (Y/N) was sent flying before Vegeta fired a ki blast at him. (Y/N) quickly responded with his own blast, destroying the attack and landed on the ground while Vegeta few over him.
"Ok, not too bad, but you still do hold a candle to me, you are fighting a losing battle." Vegeta stated.
"Really, because you just landed a hit on me an I landed 35 strikes on you already." (Y/N) said.
"...shut up." Vegeta replied.
(Y/N) quickly charged up Ikari and charged at Vegeta.
"What the-"
Vegeta was smacked with a right hook, sending him flying across the ground and into a mountain peak on the island. Vegeta yelled and busted the peak open.
"Aw, looks like someone is having a tantrum." (Y/N) said mockingly.
"THAT'S IT, EVERYONE DIES!" Vegeta yelled out as he speed up to the sky, glowing purple as he charged a beam. "GALICK GUN!"
"Dick, Ka-Me-Ha-Me..." (Y/N) said as he got into a stance and charged up his attck.
The ground rumbled even more now. More and more rocks rose up from the ground as both attacks charged. The Earth shuddered, from the power of the 2 mighty warriors that were going to clash.
With Shido
"HOLY SHIT!" Shido yelled out as the Earth shook beneath his and Tohka's feet.
"What's going on!?" Tohka asked in a panic as she held on for dear life on Shido.
They had bothered thought that escaping Ellen was the end of it. However, the ground shook as the Eath braced itself.
With the Saiyans
Both beams clashed, blowing way anything in the surrounding area. The sky was covered in 2 beams of light, fighting each other for the fate of the planet.
"This is it boy, I put all of my power into this attack, you can't stop it!" Vegeta said.
(Y/N) growled has he maintained his beam. He can push it back with ease, however, it he survives, he could get access to becoming a Great Ape once the beam carries him past the clouds. But, it would be a hard choice to (Y/N) if he decided to kill him, the 2nd Saiyan left, leaving him alone, again. (Y/N) gritted his teeth, and slightly charged up his power, hoping it would knock Vegeta out. Vegeta's beam was being pushed back sa the Kamehameha gained a huge surge in power being put into it.
"NO NO NO-FUCK!" Vegeta yelled as his beam lost and he was carried into the atmosphere.
(Y/N) sighed as he sat down and rubbed his head.
I hope he is knocked out.

Date a Live Z (Date a Live x Male Saiyan Reader)
Acak(Y/N), an orphan who fends for himself and a desire for combat has had a normal life, well he had been bullied due to his tail but who cares that all changes when he starts to feel weird energies as soon as he decides to use his senses. All rights b...