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Vegeta groaned as woke up and growled as he was still strapped to the machine. There was a camera in the room he was in that was clearly recording. He was still weak but now, he felt a but stronger than he was a few days ago the first time he was strapped in the machine. The Saiyan prince smiled as he realized now the mistake that was made by the ones that imprisoned him.

The metal creaked as he crushed the parts of the machine that were draining his power. The prince couldn't help but laugh as the machine healed him, making slowly strong enough to take on the ones who wronged him.

With Shido

Shido couldn't help but look in horror at the bodies and ashes of the aliens from earlier. The scene was a grizzly reminder of the time Kurumi murdered a group of men in a park however some of the bodies still being there somehow made it worse. Yet, remembering the context made things different to Shido.

After all they were here to kill or kidnap him along with (Y/N) and Kurumi so it was self defense. Then with (Y/N)'s injured body it was clear that there was nothing wrong with killing the group of aliens. Glit of silver in the asked then caught Shido's eye as he picked up a small box.

"Goodness me, how many times do I have to heal him wonder." Kurumi sighed as she dragged (Y/N)'s body. "What is that you have in your hands Shido-san~?"

"...senzu beans." Shido said as he read the label on the box before he opened it. "Here, hand one to (Y/N) you do need to conserve your energy."

"Thank you very much Shido-san, you are so thoughtful~." Kurumi thanked Shido as she grabbed a senzu.

Kurumi immediately put it in (Y/N)'s mouth. It took affect almost immediately on the Saiyan as his wounds healed and his energy returned to him as he stood up. (Y/N) groaned as he rubbed his head and looked at Shido and Kurumi.

"Hey...thanks...sorry for the uh...mess Shido." (Y/N) apologized.

" did a good thing...thanks." Shido said. "But now we really should go to rescue Tohka."

"Ah ah ah, not to fast." Kurumi said. "We must get Miku's guarantee that she will not interfere, it would all be more difficult if Miku decides to interfere."

"Right, thanks Kurumi, here." Shido said as she handed her a senzu bean.

"Oh, why thank you Shido-san~." Kurumi said seductively as the trio soon walked down the street.

With Miku

"We found him Big Sister!" Ai announced.

"Oh, and are you sure that it iiis him?" Miku asked.

Currently Miku was at the backstage of the stadium with the trio of Ai, Mai, and Mii reporting to her.

"Yep." Ai said.

"100 percent!" Mai exclaimed.

"That's so gross!" Mii exclaimed as well.

"Ah and who found him if it is a girl she will surely be one of my faaavorites." Miku sang out, her heart fluttering at the thought. "But if it is a man, eh, just give him a candy."

The trio reporting to Miku awkwardly looked at each other before answering.

" wasn't exactly one person." Ai said.

"More like a bunch of people saw him..."

With Y/N

(Y/N) stretched as Shido, Kurumi, and himself were surrounded by crowds of people from all sides.

"So remind me again why we didn't use another entrance?" (Y/N) asked as he looked around.

"Well other entrances would be all locked so the best way in is through the front." Kurumi explained with a smile.

Then at that moment the speakers crackled to life.

"You must be very confident going out of your way to to come back to my castle Shiori- No, Shido Itsuka." A voice said from the loudspeakers.

"Miku!" Shido responded automatically.

(Y/N) couldn't help but giggle at Miku calling Shido by the name of his female alter ego.

But then again that's what she is most familiar with so can't blame her much. (Y/N) thought as Miku spoke again on the loudspeakers.

"I have noooo idea what you're up to right now but I can't just let you run again, understand? Alright everyone, please capture and be as gentle as possible, I want to be able do so many things to him."

With that the audio cut off and everything went silent for a moment. The brain washed followers of Miku then charged at the trio, now with a job to do for their beloved Miku. Shido's brave face immediately broke seening hundreds, if not, thousands of people charge strait towards them like a swarm of ants.

"K-Kurumi, we have to get out of here we are doomed out here!" Shido yelled out.

(Y/N) then laughed in amusement before he then changed into his Gi in preparation for a fight.

"(Y/N)?" Shido asked. "What are you doing?"

"Getting prepared." (Y/N) said as he finished dressing himself and then put a card to his head. "Authorization (Y/N) (L/N) protocol escort."

That was then when a green dome appeared, then expanded stopping the crowd in it's tracks. In the same second they all suddenly collapsed out of exhaustion even though they didn't even get the chance to pound at the Territory.

"A Territory...and..." Shido looked at his feet only to see a void of darkness and then at the crowd. "And Castle of Devouring Time?"

Kurumi giggled.

"You already know me to well." Kurumi said before she looked at the young Saiyan. "And it looks like you as well, otherwise you wouldn't have deployed that Territory."

"Well it was Kotori's idea to get it installed in my gear after the incident with you." (Y/N) explained. "It only provides protection against Spirit abilities since while I have some resistances it is about as effective as using paper to stop a bullet."

Kurumi hummed in amusement.

"Well then that should even the playing field against Miss Miku then." Kurumi said as she looked around. "Ah, I rarely get opportunities to draw out from a large crowd."

"Kurumi, you better not draw out too much!" Shido warned Kurumi.

"Sure sure, I will make sure I don't." Kurumi said.

Shido and (Y/N) looked at each other before they walked in towards the stadium.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2024 ⏰

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