"But first, try to make me laugh by telling a joke." King Kai ordered.
"Wait didn't you say you already agreed to train me because of a Saiyan that helped you?" (Y/N) asked.
"Yeah but I still want a good laugh you know." King Kai answered.
(Y/N) thought for a moment, trying to come up with a good joke or at least remember one.
"I got one, once a 70-year-old man asked his wife 'do you feel sad when you see me running after young girls?' The wife replied with 'No, not at all, even dogs chase cars they can't drive.'" (Y/N) said.
A few seconds passed, then King Kai burst with laughter.
"*wheeze* I get it *Laughter* he can't get them." King Kai squeezed out.
King Kai regained his composer and looked at (Y/N).
"Alright, your training begins now." King Kai said. "Your fist training procedure is to catch my pet monkey Bubbles."
"Wait what?" (Y/N) asked with a confused look on his face.
A monkey jumped out of nowhere and stared to run at high speeds (Y/N) didn't think was possible in this gravity.
"Bubbles is used to this level of gravity so go luck trying to catch him."
A month later
(Y/N) was on the ground gasping for air as he was holding the monkey in his hands.
"G-got *gasp* him." (Y/N) said.
"Good, now get up, we'll begin sparring." King Kai announced.
"Just 5 more minutes."
At the real world
Kurumi emerged from the shadows at the Fraxinus Med Bay, Reine had left to get some more medical supplies. Tome was fast asleep but her body language told that she knew that someone was present.
Kurumi walked up to the healing chamber, bubbles were audible as (Y/N) took breaths. She put a hand on the glass and examined the Saiyan.
"You are getting stronger although you still haven't awakened the true power of the Saiyans, you will be delicious to eat up." Kurumi whispered to the glass.
She then melted away in the shadows as Reine walked in and Tome woke up.
Reine checked the function of the chamber before switching to see the vitals and recovery. Tome played some Mozart on the piano to soothe the tension in the air to make Reine's work more efficient.
"It's been 2 hours, he's in a stable condition, but...I can't help but note that he is unusually stronger." Reine said. "I have no idea why, a zenkai boost can't do this."
Reine then shut off the monitors but left the one displaying vitals on.
"I'll figure out tomorrow, perhaps he is at work." Reine said as she walked off.

Date a Live Z (Date a Live x Male Saiyan Reader)
Rastgele(Y/N), an orphan who fends for himself and a desire for combat has had a normal life, well he had been bullied due to his tail but who cares that all changes when he starts to feel weird energies as soon as he decides to use his senses. All rights b...