"Ah and just like that it's over, I hoped that I would have had a worthy adversary especially from someone like her." Kurumi said, hunching over her shoulders in a laugh.
"I am still alive right here." (Y/N) yelled over as he brought a clone on his knee, then used her like a hammer.
"And you happened to be next (Y/N) along with Shido." Kurumi said.
Flames covered Kotori's wounds, burning away the wounds.
"Huh?" Kurumi said when she heard the flames.
"See she's alive." (Y/N) said as he kicked a Kurumi clone to the side.
"Good grief, you sure do know how to run that lip off." Kotori said as she got up. "I'd prefer you losing the will to fight due to sheer fear so we don't have to drag this out longer than it needs to be."
"Humph, I'll show you your place." Kurumi said as she summoned Zafkiel. "Aleph."
She shot multiple clones including the ones that were fighting (Y/N) before shooting herself. Kotori acted fast and shoved Shido out of the way allowing herself to be surrounded by clones. She used the power of Camael to blow away the clones from herself, all of the clones chared and burned and slightly injuring the real Kurumi.
"Just who do think you are brat!" Kurumi exclaimed with increasing frustration.
She summoned Zafkiel again and positioned her hands.
"Zafkiel, Dalet."
All of Kurumi's wounds disappeared but she seemed to stagger a little.
Finally, she's out of time. (Y/N) thought as he grabbed Tohka and teleported her to the Spirit's apartment. He then returned and teleported Origami and Mana to a JGSDF hospital before returning to the scene.
"ZAFKIEL!" Kurumi called out in rage.
"Not this time-" Kotori exclaimed until she her self began to stager. "Oh no, not now..."
"Kotori!" Shido exclaimed in concern.
Kurumi laughed, now having recovered and using some of (Y/N)'s battle power turned to time.
"I guess your time is up." Kurumi said, raising her gun.
"Kotori, are you ok?" Shido asked as he began to rush over to help.
"Wait, something's not right with her energy." (Y/N) said, stopping Shido in his tracks.
Kotori got up an new look was in her eye, along with a smile.
"Camael, Megiddo!" Kotori exclaimed.
The ax's blades faded, and the rest shaped into a massive cannon. The fire around Kotori entered the cannon, charging up to for a blast.
"Mes, protect me!" Kurumi yelled out of desperation.
The clones quickly did as they were told and stood between Kotori and their master to protect her.
"Burn them to ashes, Camael!" Kotori called out as she fired.
"Shit, I never thought I'd do this." (Y/N) said.
The Saiyan teleported towards Kotori and kicked the cannon to the side, causing the beam of fire to change direction. Kotori turned to (Y/N), and smacked him out of the way sending him through the school.
"Ow, ow, ow, that hurt." Y/N commented.
He flew over to the area, Kotori's Angel now beginning to fire and Shido stood in the way to protect Kurumi.
"Shido, quick, focus your energy to protect you!" (Y/N) yelled out.
"How!" Shido shouted.
"Just imagine and focus your energy like a wall you can do it!" (Y/N) yelled as he flew as fast as he could.
"ONII-CHAN, GET OUT OF THE WAY!" Kotori yelled, know having regained her senses.
(Y/N) kicked the cannon once more, changing the course of the attack. An explosion of fire lit up the air, (Y/N) blocked the shockwave of heat and flames. When the smoke cleared, Shido was unconscious on the floor with Kurumi nowhere to be seen.

Date a Live Z (Date a Live x Male Saiyan Reader)
عشوائي(Y/N), an orphan who fends for himself and a desire for combat has had a normal life, well he had been bullied due to his tail but who cares that all changes when he starts to feel weird energies as soon as he decides to use his senses. All rights b...