Ginyu Massacre

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"How did you move that fast?" (Y/N) asked as he tightly wrapped his tail around his waist.

"Well, I know you won't believe me but Saiyans and Spirits are both related in a few ways," Kurumi explained. "Mainly due to the fact that most Saiyan energy used to be Spirit energy at one point, thanks to that it is easier to convert and then there is the fact that Spirit Reiryoku is better than regular ki."

"So that energy you took from me..." (Y/N) said.

"Made me more 3 times stronger than you in your regular base, give or take." Kurumi ended. "But since I don't have transformations you can easily snap my neck."

"...good to know." (Y/N) said.

"Anyway let's clean up, we made a mess here." Shido said as he started picking up books from a fallen cabinet. "Hm?"

Shido then paused as something shiny caught his eye. He went to pick it up and saw that it was a small tin box knocked out from the commotion.

"What is this?" Shido asked himself as he went to open it.

Inside there were multiple plastic CD cases. All made or  seemingly released by Miku.

"So many songs, I didn't know she had so many." Shido said. "Wait..."

Looking over the CDs again they did not have Miku's name on them. Shido raised an eyebrow.

"Tsukino Yoimachi?" Shido asked. "What in the world?"

Is it a stage Tonomachi and everyone else calls her Miku like normal... Shido thoughts.

"What's the matter?" Kurumi asked as she looked over Shido's shoulder.

"Found something?" (Y/N) asked.

"Um...yeah." Shido simply answered as he grabbed on of the CDs.

Finding a CD player, Shido opened it and put the CD inside before pressing play. Then an up beat song started to play with Miku's voice then soon following.

"Oh, oh my oh my, what an adorable little song. " Kurumi said.

(Y/N) liked the beat, but he didn't know what to expect when Miku's voice came on. However there was something different, there was nothing bewitching of the voice. Miku's sounded pure with nothing that made it seem like she was using Spirit powers at all, just her pure and sweet voice. Thanks to his mixed up hormones, (Y/N) began to get sleepy and curled up in a ball with his tail wrapped around him like a cat.

"Aw, how cute!" Kurumi commented as she reached down and petted the Saiyan.

"This is Miku's voice...right?" Shido asked as he realized what (Y/N) was realizing. "Hmm."

It was still very suspicious to Shido so he went back to the box and went through it once more. There was still a lot that had to be answered, maybe there could be a sort of audio biography or something more easy to learn from. Yet the closest thing to that would be a CD with Miku on the cover. She was smiling, looking very happy as she was wearing a beautiful dress. There was nothing special in the picture, no photoshop, no obvious manipulation of the image. But before he could inspect it further, a pale hand snatched it from Shido's hands.

"Hm, this seems to be interesting, mind if I borrow it?" Kurumi as as she looked at the CD.

Kurumi did a quick inspection before putting it to the side of her head. She then brought out her flintlock pistol and pressed the barrel against the CD.

"Zafkiel, tenth bullet, Yod." Kurumi commanded.

Just then a shadow snaked out of the 10th roman numeral from the clock and into the gun. That was then with a loud bang Kurumi pulled the trigger, waking up (Y/N).

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