The Plan

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"Well, you might be the only girl I might date." (Y/N) said as he chuckled while he walked down with Shido.

"Ugh, don't say that, it's a very weird thing to hear from you!" Shido, or, Shiori said.

"Ugh, don't say that, it's a very weird thing to hear from you!" Shido, or, Shiori said

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"Come on man, it's a complement, I love strong women." (Y/N) said. "Either way, I will do any heavy lifting if it is needed."

"Thanks but I don't think I will run into much that will need it, plus Kotori has been showing me a lot of what you have been showing her so I think I will be fine." Shido said as he continued down the hall. "Thanks to the situation I can't have you around for since Miku..."

"Yeah don't worry about that I understand," (Y/N) said as he smiled. "All that matters is to save her, so let's do out job."

"Yeah, so, I am off now." Shido said before he walked off to the trio.

With a chuckle (Y/N) sighed before he walked off.

Well, then with the situation right now, my brute power won't win this battle so right now I shall take a side line for the moment. (Y/N) then frowned. But then, if these moments go on any further, will I be eventually let go, there won't be much point in me fighting the AST, they will learn to leave the Spirits alone, but they can hurt me some what with magic, eh, I still shouldn't be too much concerned about it.

(Y/N) then suddenly flinched as a very high pitched scream filled his ears.

Well, I hope I don't have to use what Kotori taught me about girls, because I hope to stay friends with everyone. (Y/N) smiled as he then ran over to pull Origami off of Shido.

Time Skip

The Saiyan easily lifted 30 chairs in each hand as he helped set up the booth for Raizen High. Most of the girls and guys expected the country boy to strong but they never expected this level of strength. Most gawked at him in awe of his strength, all the boys in the area quickly stopped showing off as they were impossibly disheartened by the speed of the work in the Raizen booth was done.

"Wow, thanks for the help, we got done a lot more faster than everyone else." Ai, one of the girls in charge, said.

"Your strength was very useful, how did you get so strong?" Mai asked.

"That's so lame!" Mii said.

Well, I just did some push ups some sit ups, some squats, and plenty of juice." (Y/N) said as he bashfully rubbed the back of his head.

Then the doors to the stage swung open. (Y/N) quickly walked over to see Origami and Tohka standing between Shido and Miku. (Y/N) quickly took note of the handkerchief on Shido's hand and walked over to check it out, grabbing Shido's hand.

"Hey man, you ok, the wound isn't properly dressed." (Y/N) said.

"Don't worry about it, I am fine it's just a scrape." Shido said.

"Yeah, you are right, no point to keep it on." (Y/N) said as he removed the cloth.

Oooooooh, you attend Raiiiiizen too, monkey." Miku said, taking (Y/N)'s attention.

"Well, I haven't heard that one in a long time, and yes, I do and I am very proud of it." (Y/N) said as he looked at Miku.

The room was silent as hatred from Miku and (Y/N) leaked into the air, making it heavy.

"So are you a friiiiiend for Shiori, you fiiiiend?" Miku asked.

"Well, I am, I am supposed to care for her if need be, so tell me, what made the scrapebon her hand, please, biiiiitch?" (Y/N) asked in a mocking tone.

"That is our secret."  Miku said before she walked off.

Origami then looked at Shido after the information was revealed.

"I want an explanation."

(Y/N) then walked away.

"You think you could have been more friendly with her at the very least?" Kotori asked.

"No, not one bit." (Y/N) simply said as he walked away

The Next day

(Y/N) was leaning against the wall in the bridge of the Fraxinus. Since Shido wasn't expecting to be needing a back up or wing man, there was no need for him down at the ground with him so for now he will watch. But it was also to keep (Y/N) from getting in Shido's way as even looking at a picture of Miku would have a slight increase of anger within the boy.

And we don't need to see what an enraged Saiyan is capable of right now if the Spirit says something to anger (Y/N) further. Reine thought as she took a look at Miku's data and (Y/N)'s data and do what is necessary to keep them from going down to 0. If Saiyans did result from residual Spirit energy, then there must be a form of Inversion for Saiyans and if I was correct, the activation requirements should be similar.

The Saiyan just stared at the live footage of the date, not moving his eyes away for a moment to assess any threats to Shido should they arise. Kotori took note of it, but for now there was no concern as the date was going well so far and they needed it to continue to be that well. But after (Y/N)'s suddenly remark about Miku the last time the two were face to face did rase some concern so she had to have an eye on the Saiyan, least he go berserk, or worse. There was, however, a plan for that eventuality as worst comes to worse, Spirits can subdue a rampaging Saiyan if they worked together. However in the worst case the use of Spirits will still be able to do the job, but she wasn't sure if she was prepared to put down (Y/N) for good to complete the plan

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