Hunter's Pilot

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"Take your wounded pride and take your life...

Take your hatred with a glass of chardonnay.

We all have a devil in us that is hidden clear as day...

you can run far and wide, but you will always hold the demons inside"

Sarah Walked back to the family Impala with a forced smile. All while wondering why her family ? Was it really oh so fair that she was from a long line of supernatural hunter that protected this realm from the truth . In order to increase the general populations survival? She didn't think so however, fate was cruel for not only was she a hunter but the only one to have survived a meeting with an Angel . Which at the age of sixteen when her oldest brother Bobby found out caused a hole lot of uproar by mistake, and she was casted out of the family for the disgrace she had brought . For her father was a direct descendant of the Van Helsings while her mother was a descendant of the templar knights. Both brought together by a holy gaol ride and persver the pure , whilst killing all things that poss a threat to the human's who lay ignorant of their nightmares.

She had been best friends if you could call the relationship between the fallen angel Gabriel who went by loki . With their ever witty banter on why the other was inferior. Sarah remembered the time she had shown him the art of kissing which had been around the time they'd been fighting a sea monster near the bermuda triangle . Needless to say he'd been a big part of her childhood hunts always tagging along under the human disgust, however when her older brother had seen Gabriel's wings . Her brother had gone out on a limb and accidentally brought their father with him causing the rift between their family. even when she'd tried to tell them that the Angel had only been protecting her oh so long ago from a demon . Sarah had been devastated when the Angel never showed back up , and she was cated out of the hunter circle. Which is a feet itself for its hard to disgrace the honor of a righteous goal.

Soon after her nightmares of the distant future had begun again . However they always ended in fire and pain of burning flesh. She'd been drifting from job to job in the sleepy town that resided in outskirts of Kansas. To hide from her family she'd taken her middle name as her first and switched her first for it . Her only goal was to survive the the nightmares and the oh so distant future with a bleak loneliness . Until she had met John Winchester the lowly mechanic then her life had taken on a sense of normalcy . She was sucked out of her musing's when a pair of small hands grabbed her pants legs. She looked down to see her six year old son Dean smiling at her in a goofy way. Which made her heart clenched at the prospect of one day leaving them behind.

"Mummy! Sam and Pewcy stink " Dean said while giggling .

"Where's your father ?" Sarah asked trying to hide her very own smirk.

"He Wet? Sam Pee on 'em. " Dean said Giggling making sarah laugh while scooping up her boy as they made their way to the struggling father.

"Really Boys ! Again ok now where did I put your diaper ?" Dam it Percy I swear this was timed ! Samuel Winchester no more apple juice bub!" Where the cires John winchester was making as the duo made their way up the hill.

"Really John Honey?" Sarah said with a smirk.

"What gah -little help sweetheart?"

"What would you do without me ?"

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