The lost child

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"Again we must ride into the unknown. Never forgotten but always alone. We fear the day not the night. And till the last ray of the dying light. We struggle alone to face this reality, that we will all end in a freaking tragically."

_Amanda Nicole Humphrey

"You will push yourself to make a difference in this world, However ; try as you must only the strong will make it. No matter the strength you show. Life will be hard and no matter the bumps in life only if you have the strive to defeat the darkness will you make it out alive."

- Amanda Nicole Humphrey


"Your'e not supposed to be here-" I cut him off mid sentence . My now gray-blue eyes locked on the Angel in front of me, who probably could kill me in a matter of seconds. But also look graceful in doing it. Shaking my head of the gory image that founds its way in my skull. I blurted out the one name that had stuck.

"Thalia?" I asked looking at the raven haired girl who could very well be an angel of the lord with her beauty and grace .

"Yes little lýkos anása its me . The question is what have you done?" Thalia asked her blue eyes boring into mine. And at that moment I knew that I was done for.


"I umm..." great Winchester you are staring at a warrior princess and she can kill you. The only thing you can say is um! I mentally shout at my self.

"Thalia why are you here ?! " Loki snapped causing me to snap out of my train of thought. A growl began to flow from my the pit of my throat . Startling both Thalia and the guy now dubbed Loki from their glaring match. "What ?" I snapped half hearty trying to cover up the urge to protect Thalia from Loki.

Thalia rolled her eyes fixing her startling blur ones on the man she had pissed off. While Loki gave me an odd look that resembled a mix of confusion and a hint of knowing.However it was fleeting that i barley caught it. His hard parental gaze locked back onto Thalia daring her to lie to him. Which I would latter deny of ever asked , scared me more then my own fathers glares . Winch if you ever saw John Winchester you would understand why a glare from him would be considered frighting. Loki kept his hard on stare at Thalia to the point that I personally thought she was not going to answer him for a while. That is until I heard her sigh in defeat while running a hand through her choppy short hair.

"Castiel is coming , as is Raphael they believe that Lucifer has in some way teemed up with an old evil. I believe they are looking for something and are tailing the older male." Thalia said trying to hide who they were really talking about. Which for some reason bothered me, though for what reason i was unsure as to why.

Loki nodded however I should tell he didn't like the news for some reason. "Anything else as to why you abandoned your post Grace?" Loki stated not asking , while his tone held a superiority to it. Making even me what to grovel telling him anything he wanted to know. Which was unnerving , but this guys was not human then again now nor was I .

"Yeah but um...does the mutt have the hear it?" Thalia said with a jab at me . Which hurt but i didn't show. After all I was not a monster , mutt well it sounded better than the word monster. However; it was no matter as Loki's next words shocked me. "Aye he does and if i am sure of anything Thals its that you are going to be charged by looking after him if things go wrong . Now tell me why you abandoned your post. " Loki order his yes never leaving Thalia's .

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