fates intertwined

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I once thought that love was free
And every mountain and every sea
held some mystic story...
That was then, And this is now no love flows in these hallow grounds....

Upon the shadows that fill the void
Comes a sense that most avoid 
To whom tries to find their love
End up hurt to scared to try

I'm no hero
I'm no beauty queen 
I'm the one always picked last
When others see my many mask,only few see that broken past

I once envied those i love 
I once thought I could live without love
And no man has touched this guarded heart
I've seen the world and it's darker parts

I once thought love was free, but that was before it was my enemy
But love is never free, not by mortal means
The mountains of old weep as the magic dies by mortal means..
I'll accept being picked last, even if i want to break like glass...
I've accepted gods test, even though i am not the best...
Maybe one day I'll find the one, or better yet die alone...
Maybe one day I'll stop trying to run, from the things that i love the most ..

Love -Amanda Humphrey

 "Generals gathered in their masses
Just like witches at black masses
Evil minds that plot destruction
Sorcerers of death's construction
In the fields the bodies burning
As the war machine keeps turning
Death and hatred to mankind  "

   WAR PIGS Black Sabbath

"Just because you're blood doesn't mean you're family. You have to it earn it."


 "For me, being able to be vulnerable is difficult, but it's just something that I feel comfortable doing. I need to fully understand why, the thought-process behind the character and I have to believe it. That comes from a lot of preparation. "

-Logan Lerman

   "Dean we need to get back into the car now." I tugged at my older brothers sleeves. As he slowly nodded making his way to the passenger side of the Impala. We both had just reached it , closing the doors when the beast struck. Fangs dripping crimson red blood bashed at the passenger side window.  Dean fumbled with the keys as he restarted the car. "Give me what is mine" a rasping voice growled out causing everyone to freeze inside the Impala. The red eyes of the black wolf shined with intelligence no regular wolf should have. 

  "Dean hit it!" Sam shouted pulling out a small colt from under the backseat.  "Yeah we won't get anywhere if I just ram at tried that once brother."  

  " Give me back what was stolen!" What was stolen we didn't steal anything?  "Just drive i'll shoot it" Sam shouted back.  Rolling down the window for just enough room to shot the beast Sam let out a volley of silver bullets.  The black mass snarled in pain as one bullet made contact with its skin. Causing the black beast to back of of the Impala , thus I took notice of where the bullet was able scar the beast on its left eye. "You will regret this I will have what was stolen from me. I will have what I made." the rasping voice screamed in fury as the wolf retreated into the surrounding woods. "No mercy"  

 "Dude what the hell was that?" I shouted for the first time . "The better question Percy is when did you're eyes turn green?" Dean shot back his tone sharp calculating. A cold sensation made its way up my spin as his eyes landed on mine as we drove off.  My insides went cold as Sam forced my head in his direction to make sure Dean was not pulling some kind of joke. I prayed to whatever god was listening that they where their usual gray color and not the wolfs inner green eyes. 

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