Her eyes his soul / Percy Winchester

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"In the event we our about to die please note it was not my fault . But rather that of  our democratic life style that caused the demise of our nations capital."  

_Amanda  N. Humphrey

"He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven

Had I the heavens' embroidered cloths,
Enwrought with golden and silver light,
The blue and the dim and the dark cloths
Of night and light and the half-light,
I would spread the cloths under your feet:
But I, being poor, have only my dreams;
I have spread my dreams under your feet;
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams."

 - By WB Yeats

This world is full of disappointments ,
and just for the moments.
Lovers ,
Fighters ,
And down right survivors...

There are the misfits , The geeks ,
Jocks, and the pickers of many locks,
The let downs , and no shows that we wonder how they keep going on,

The single mom's who work two jobs
The single father , who have lost most if not all
The grieving widows , and fallen soldiers
The heartfelt , and the rebels with a cause

The high and mighty's
And the boondocks sons
The road races
the over seas kings
As well as the dreamers of dark and dangerous dreams

And in this circle of many of names , I sit and idle where do i fit in this place.
Am I of the disappointments the ones who try too hard, and seem to let others down wither they want to or not ?
Or the just for the moments who live in the now , they try to believe that the world is not round.
A fighter I could be hell i fight with my demons that lay awake at night , the music that i sing seems to keep them at bay , somethings
A fighter I could be hell i fight with my demons that lay awake at night , the music that i sing seems to keep them at bay , somethings
then again i could be a survivor , god knows what I've done, now wars with thousand, yet rather just one ..

Though im not a mother , I do take care of my own, I've met some father's single and alone they are like the mothers they take care of their kin . And work just as hard to make the bread win
Nor am I a grieve one , For it take to have loved and lost to be one ,
The heartfelt I could be , but have i truly made it that far , a Rebel in my mind , and a soldier at heart I could be ,

Or perhaps i fly higher then thee?
I've felt the wind at a hundred and one , all windows down music blared to the heaven playing carry one you wayward sons...
Or, do i belong to the boondocks sons those who are wild and unruly as such? Then there are the road races that feel the need for speed , as well as taking on the adventures like a modern cowboy
Or maybe I can barrow a ship, one that is strong and sturdy as the wild west once was, And claim the seas as my one undying love, as I travel to and fro like a true queen of the seas did , very long ago.
No , I could be a dreame
r of dark and dangerous dreams, One who knows what lurks beneath . Those dark night skylines , who see's the beauty of the dying embers lights . And know that just before dawn a child is born ,and a old soul moves on...

I am a Millennials ...
A generation born at the turn of a time , An era of which wars would soon rise, a child of the twenty-first
An era of moderate truths and a time when musics was the god of many ,and the faiths where waying..
I am a Millennials a faction of poverty , and despair, humble , and violent , yet also strong and hard pressed .
I am a Millennial a woman of fight , this world will try and label me , but i wont take the bite
I am of the creativity and cunning kind , hard worker and soulful ,yet, love I can not found
I am a millennial the class of 2013 that's right
I am a millennial , and you bet you sweat but, Push me and I know how to survivor.

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