Surprise its a boy!

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 Percy ran out claws drawn and ready to fight. Since the monster was in his humanoid it appeared he had les then normal amounts of protection going for him. There was a scar running down the males face that looked to caused by a knife going down the guys face .  With his claws out-stretched he lunged for the males side hoping to get the attackers attention away from his mother. She was holding herself with a brave face but she was only human. How clinch was that. To think he was something of a different breed then everyone's now that he knew the truth. Hadn't he been raised like a hunter? . The male roared in pain momentarily dropping his mother on the ground . Turning those familiar red eyes on him. Those damming red eyes that made me lose his focus during their last fight. 

 'Blood red eyes peered from fog. The same blood red eyes of that monstrous red and black wolf like creature from the ambush before. " the time is now..." The Beast snarled out. '

'Jay- Percy don't lose focus the monster will kill you.' Thalia's voice rang in my head she sounded distressed not like the proud warrior angel I began to know when she would visit every now and then through the year. If there was on constant thing that had stayed since my forced deal wot h the P.A.C.K. it was her. I didn't question the name slip up anymore. Not after everything I had learned about the angel and my past. 

"Well if it isn't you I knew I smelt your scent nearby. Have you come to redeem yourself my son I have heard that you where spending time with our kind." He growled out in a heartful manner like he didn't just threaten my mother, of cause me pervious harm in our last meeting. Dean was behind me waiting to jump in not sure what do to. This was a different Dean then I remembered , he acted more like Sam then himself. If I had time I would have thought more on his sudden change of demeaner. 

  "Come Half Breed challenged me .''those eyes taunted me as a sick smile  plastered itself in front of me. How dare that thing. I had gained some respect for some supernatural beings , but this guy was not the still humanlike being like the others. His soul had been lost to insanity far too long ago. 

" Go to hell." I snarled all I could think of was how our last meeting cost me everything for a year. But also gave me opportunity to become stronger and learn more about who I was . I would not let this beast in human form get away again.  

"Keep him busy Perce I 'm on the way. Do not get yourself in too much trouble and do not get killed. "  Thalia's voice rang inside my head frantically. Jason had not uttered a word the sense Dean had showed up, but now that Thalia was projecting her thoughts into my head thank to her angelic powers no doubt. 

"Been there and it was disappointing. Ever been to a  Taylor swift concert it was like that too many moans and sad songs of tortured spirits. IT was listening to a country song over and over with intense heat ."  Yawed Dacian lazily . I tried stalling the best as my brother ushered my mother out in the hallway, however this beast must have seen our excuse of  rescue. 

A gust of wind shut the door between Dean and me . Dean shouted in outrage  as he attempted to stop the door from slamming to no avail. It was like watching one of those cheesy horror movies as you know someone will not make it out of the scene alive. The main charter face goes slack in defeat , while  all falls apart around them in the end.   

"You may have allowed that pathetic excuse of a  night-hunter to live right now . However you will not be lucky  My son." the monster  of male  cackled sinisterly, while lunging at me. I dropped to the ground barley able to dogged the beast . Dragging a claw along his underbelly just like last time. He howled in frustration while turning his blood red eyes in my direction.   

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