Warrior bound

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"Sam you riding with me , or your brother ?" Bobby asked in a calm tone, all while trying to mentally prepare for the worst. While trying to hide this from the two numb-skulls who for the better part were in the dark of the things around them. Which was kind of sad since they grew up fighting for a case that was hidden in the dark. Bobby didn't have to wait long for Sam's response which wasn't too surprising at all. Sometimes Bobby wondered if they had a sibling concealing unit for those kids who never got along with their sibling and transpired to adulthood.

"Sure at least your truck has good music" Sam said no doubt to rile his brother into another fight.

"Hey you got something against Green Day and Black Sabbath Bit-"

"Dean langues get your ass in your car and follow for Christ sake you boy's will be the death of me." I groaned.

"Whose my father then Loki?" Percy  muttered scared for what Loki  might say.

"Thats the thing young wolf I do not know , though I have my suspension that he is the father of all wolves. But there is another that i dare hope you are not a son of. For regardless if you are pure of evil right now . If you are his son your duty to the holy cause by our lord will not end well and you shall meet traitors at every end. Who will try to kill you regardless of your action good , or bad. " Loki said gravely.


       I wonder if the turd is okay?

    Why would he be at lady Tia's? Uncle Bobby said he was with dad when he got the call. I really want to strangle the old man . Why the hell is he dragging MY baby brother around knowing he been getting sicker these past months !  Then again why does it seem that all I ever do is take care of my family. The only one who seems to care is Perseus? Why am i thinking this way anyhow Dammit stop feeling sorry for yourself and drive!!

   If there was one thing that  irritated Dean Winchester it was the fact that out off all the hunts since Sam had left the small family for that dam college was that , he  wished that he could have followed his middle brother taking Percy with him . But Thought's such as that matter were not aloud to occur not now , or ever. Not when you were was suppose to be the solder.  

    Fuck it.  I thought as I turned on my favorite tape that held Eye of the tiger, while turning into the strange driveway behind . Trying to drown out all the chick flick emotions that randomly hit my thoughts.  A part of me figured seeing Uncle Bobby along Sam weren't the type to speed on an old dirt road. I knew I had like two minutes maybe more till the old git came close to being here.  For some reason we could use fake FBI badges but those two refused not to speed . Making me question the lawfulness , since well hell we were are already criminals   like a speeding ticket gonna hurt our record.   I rolled down the windows of my baby and turned up the volume. Miss, Tia didn't look like she was home as far , as I could tell. Seeing no vehicle or anything  I let the music drown out my worries , while unknowingly found myself sinning with it , and tapping my foot to the song. 


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