Percy Winchester\ John Winchester

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The dogs of war are upon us.So let them embrace their god as they sentence their brother's to die. For no matter how great your side was ,or would have been WE shall write your story. The course of history told by the victors ;whilst the losers pray to the dead and shrouded truths. Hidden by misguided trust beware the dogs of war are upon us. "
-Quote by Amanda Nicole Humphrey.


"No but in time a few will fall .And then the son will return after all he said so himself. " Loki spoke ,as his wings begun to glow
Tháleia's began as well to.

"Stay pure little lýkos anása you are needed not by death. " Tháleia mumbled .
As she too was engulfed in a bright light as well.

§Percy Winchester§

I woke to the sounds of howling outside the motel. Along with my father cussing like a sailor. I groaned inwardly as I recognised the howling .

"I thought Dean killed em all" Dad growled as he put a nee round of silver iron bullets into his shotgun. A tired look plastered his face. Making him look older than what he truly was.

"Dad whats going on?" I asked in a tired voice. Waking up sucks when you have to kill monster's bright and early. Especially when you are not a morning person.

Dad looked at my direction as if debating whether or not to tell me something. However,the case he slumped his shoulders as if coming to an internal standoff.
Sliding his gun over his shoulder dad grabbed his pack giving me this far away look.

"Perseus when I go out the door i want you to grab all your stuff and run to the truck."

I rubbed my eyes his words slowly making sense.Then like the eye of a hurricane his words hit me. My gray blue eyes widen at my father .

He isn't that crazy is he?

He isn't that crazy ha! You know he is just like you can sense things that have happened or will mutt! A small voice in the back of my head whispered in self doubt in a strange voice. Making me wonder if I was going insane. Then again I probably shouldn't chance that sense I'm a Winchester .

"Dad I can help you" i said somewhat practically begged ,while shuffling to grab my sea blue skull backpack. The howls began to get closer to the motel by the moment making me cringe at the thought . Dad sighed but shook his head .

"Percy listen we need to leave now and this time we have no backup . So don't argue and get your butt in the dam truck I'll be right behind you." Dad said in a strained voice. His eyes betraying his cold exterior.

Sighing i did as told grabbing my ipod and AC/DC ball cap . Everything else was a blur as we ran to the truck. Out of the cornor of my eyes I saw dad firing at a lone wolf that was larger than a normal Woodlawn wolf. However, unlike other situations i was not aloud to help. I had made it to the ole trucks passenger door when all hell was let lose.

A large blonde paw pounced ontop of me. Knocking me to the ground and the wind out of me . I landed with an umf ,as the large blonde wolf glared down ontop of me. Crystal blue eyes that seemed to hold intelligence locked into my blue gray orbs.

Somewhere in the back of my mind I wondered why my father hadn't noticed that i was in danger. Seeing as he was just behind me. But then as the thought it went as the wolf jumped off me .Then barred its fangs on a pure black one that leapt out of the brush.

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