SWAN SONG part one

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 Many people thought that the end of the world would be that of a big bang. That all the world would be chocked up in a massive cloud of black . The grounds would be caked with the corps of the dead. All ranging from the literal dead to the dying. Animals fighting for control to live in a world wishing all would die. Then there the believe that It has been said through the strands of time that our time over this earth will end in fire and infinite bloodshed. Alas , when the time comes those who are not saved by the lord above are doomed to watch their fellow man die among the demons and angels . As flesh is ripped apart by the demons of the deep molten crust of Damnation. Dean looked into the half drunken glass of whiskey with a look of set determination. Though to the on lookers he must of looked like a angry drunkard.

 The bar was cluttered with smoke so thick it could chock the life of those who were never stepped foot in the slums of a modern day America. Dean watched with half baked eyes as a girl no more then seventeen maybe walking in the bar. Her skin was the perfect shade of bronze, not to dark although not to pale either. She had dark spiky hair like one of those punk rocker's of the 2000s. And her eyeliner well it was on par not almost like it was painted on her by god above. She wore a simple brown t-shirt with the logo for Nirvana and a black leather jacket that screamed vintage.  But what really caught his eyes was the vibe he got from her. 

   "Dam kid nice piece of -" The onlooker who had tried to flirt with said girl ended up throwing a beer bottle at the back of a fat males head. Dean internal whistled in approval.  

  "Call me kid again sweetheart and ill gut your eyes from your skull and feed them to the snakes."   The raven haired girl's voice purred seductively.  While also keeping a hint of an exotic dangerous  allure to it. She gave off the vibe much like JoeAnna.  Speaking of the devil he heard the chime of the bar doors opening up to show a familiar face.  Doe eyes and long blonde hair that cascaded down like a set of princes curls . With haunted sparkling blue eyes. She was decked out in hunters formal place , but she made it look like heaven walking on earth. If Dean could say angels where graceful he would argue that this hunter was in fact a angel. 

  Suddenly the raven haired women was no longer id focus , but rather  this long too far out of reach crush he so longed to have. Would the others call him a chick right now if  they could read his thought's, yeah they probably would. Thank god for not being able to hear it all. 

"Dean Winchester what a surprise."  Joe spoke with a hint of anger. 

 Dean sighed looking at the glass one more time, wondering if he should have stayed at the motel . Annabeth did tell him if he didn't return in a few that she would be down o drag his sorry ass back to help them find clues on their mystery hunters. Though he also suspected she was trying to pull a mother hen move due to his recent change in emotional turmoil. , 

 Dean tried for a smirk , but let it slip from his face by the looks he was receiving. "Hey Harvelle."  Joes eyes glanced at his drink with a look of disdained.  "What do you want Joe its been what five years , maybe four?" he asked, as the blonde sat next to him, all while keeping the raven haired teen who was a foot away in his sights. Something was off about her and he had a feeling he wasn't going to like the results.

 "Really?" She responded amused. 

 "What?" Dean countered taking another swing for the glass, only for her to catch him mid drink with a burring look in her eyes that resembled so much like her adopted sister when she wanted something.

"The first thing you have to say to me is how longs it been? No hey Joe I know you're sister been missing and I'm sorry you had to find out from Bobby and all but we been harboring her for over a year now. But instead how long it been?" She grumbled taking the glass from his hand and chugging the entire contents in one swipe. Dean looked at there huntress wit ha look of mild annoyance while being slightly turned on by the fact she just stole his drink. 

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