Bobby /Dean Winchester

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"Will you watch over him Tia ill send word to Bobby in a few weeks.By then i will have enough time to separate myself from the boys. Just please Tia i need to end this war. I lost Sarah others have lost more . i think its time us mortals she the devil spawns their reign is over." i growled in determination.

Tia sighed knowing full well i was not one to be swayed. " but you better Singapore couple weeks I am NOT a babysitter then you better let your boys know to at least follow Bobby here. But be warned I will try to keep this one alive much ,as long as i can; but like him you know it doesn't matter how much magic i use it's a matter of will ." Tia sighed .

I nodded knowing her words were the truth. I stole one last look at my little hero who was sleeping fitfully on the couch. "Pull through this my boy and hold on your brothers will be here soon. Just stay pure my boy i almost lost Sam when this happened i don't think i could lose you ." i said to my unconscious son.

"Look after him Tia and i hope to see you again."

"By the Angel's Jonathan be safe those boys need you "

Now- Bobby Singer

In life there is no amount of desire that can derail the tracks ahead. There is only on focal point that brings us to the sudden realization that this battle we try to waged and win is for not. Or that is what i tell myself each and every damn day i take a breath. As i waged a battles to protect what matters most , along with what matter the least. I had a sister once she married an oaf that even now i want to strangle for what he puts his boys through. I wonder why we even try to win a war against the things that crawl in the night. The things that our government has seen fit to shadow their public to nothing but half truth and conspiracies . While the people like John Winchester and I are forced to hunt and eliminate the dark forces from the human plane .

To think most people who try to hunt the supernatural are hunted by the police forces with them thinking they are dam psychopaths . While we the singers and Winchester line are descendants of a long line of hunter's of trade. Its sad to think that many have forgotten their family creeds and history on why we fight the darkness. Like Jonathan and his blood boys they have no sense of what this Hunting business truly is , and why we must kill as many devil spawn as possible. While the other child his youngest he is puzzling I have noted over the course of the years ; as i helped John raise his kids my nephews is a strange one. I've noted the youngest Winchester Percy as he rather be called has a deep connection to the pull of the night. There was that one time I considered that maybe the kid had finally been turned being the weakest out of the boys. However, that thought was squashed when i secretly did the test .

The boy had been eight at the time, still he reminded me of Sarah but only just a bit. His fascination to the nights sky was always evident when younger Winchester was even a babe . Yet, once Sam left he was pulled from his shielded childhood by his brother's to now heavier training like Sam and Dean had gone through around that age, more so Sam .John and I start to see a change in the youngest Winchester . A change that was like Sam when he was younger . It was impossible to see out right , but John knew the youngest was not complete human like Sam which scared us both. Neither of us no matter how much we wished where ignorant on the fact . Made us wounder what his father was since we had known his mother a full mortal human. Percy for his part was ignorant like his brothers that he had no blood ties to us. And we rather it stayed that way for as long as possible. I had my suspicions what the boy could be , but John being the over protective father refused my help on the matter . Which lead to him now totting Perseus everywhere on his hunts. Than man was a fool to think if the boy turned into whatever half he was that he might come out alive, Hell we were lucky Sam is still in the dark . The boy could be a powerful weapon if the Demons got a hold of the middle child. Yet, I fear what they would do I they found out about the youngest. I know for a fact a witchery's seal can only hold for so long. I was brought out of my musing when the ever loving phone began to sound off . Cursing under my breath at the darn timing I made my way to the infernal ringing .

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