the beginning of the end

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" Listen just because you love someone doesn't mean that they will love you back. Just because someone talk a lot at work doesn't mean that they are that hyper off work. Just because they seam to smile all the time no matter what is thrown at them doesn't mean that they are happy all the time.

We all live by a code of ethics...

WE all live by a personal code of honor ...

We all live by what either was installed at a young age , or learned as we got older to tell right from wrong. However what we all need to work on is not just ourselves, but the way we look and act on them. How can we judge another, come up with a label for them if we too are falling short? We cant not with a honest consciousness , or a guiltless heart. So dear reader before you judge a person based on what you see only barest parts of , try for once to think outside the box. Get to know what you normally wouldn't, see the world through their minds eyes. Who knees the randomness people could be fooling you. The louds people may actually be more broken then they let on. And as you drink that pot of coffee looking down on the woman who walks that seventh-first and second avenue in that same brown aged jacket and those too long knee socks, red dress with only the darkest though of what she might do for a living, who knows she may be a undercover agent sent to scout recruits, or perhaps that is her only nicest pieces of clothing. Never judge for its not your job to do so. "

Conner stayed behind as the other two left. He had a feeling that something big was about to happen. The raven haired boy was a mystery to most of the P.A.C.K. even after a year he spent amongst them. Connor regretted not showing how much he enjoyed the younger wolfs presences, or maybe it was not so much that he was a hunter raised supernatural; yet more so that Percy remained him of his brother that was lost to him.

"Dean..." the weak rasping voice called from the med cot in a slurred panicked tone. From the looks of things whatever choice the boy had to make was clearly of no visible effect. None that I could see at first glance. I thought about calling the others but the glazed eyed look on his fate told me that maybe it wasn't a good idea. After all he'd only been in a coma like state for nearly 7 weeks. Conner sighed as he sat next to the only other wolf as his inner soul wolf begged to check on the other boy. A part of him wondered selfishly if the other would be feeling the same about him.

"Dean...Sammy?" he mumbled as he frantically looked around the room like a cornered animal. To be fair a part of Conner hoped that memory loss was not what he was witnessing.

"Hey Perce take it easy man." Conner tried soothing the boy , something he had not practice with to this extent, maybe he should have gave the other a better benefit of doubt instead of being slightly guarded , but how was he to know the kid would stick around as long ,as he had in their small coven. After all half the supernatural kin early on made bets to if he would turn on them once he was released from the duty of the Alpha, let alone stay after being saved by the thing he hated and was raised to kill. Sure they didn't have a great rep when it came to regard for human life, but humans also say the same thing about themselves? After all where the two parties even that much different in the aspect of good and evil, or was this world so messed up that life was to be judge my those with closed eyes? Black and white no longer was a thing humanity could honestly say how they lived their lives, not while they choose to look at things with a grayer morality as the centuries past on.

"What-oh man my head hurts really bad." Percy groaned out as he went to clutch his forehead. Conner noted that his eyes where green. Not just any a bright shade of forest green with flecks of blue. Whatever soul crushing, comma inducing choice that the Fates demanded of their younger member. The only visible change was the eyes. How ironic thought Conner as he felt a pang of sympathy for the younger charge. The window to the soul are the eyes themselves to change color for a change in fate and things to come.

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