Oasis denied

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Conner really despised the P.A.C.K at this point. If all it took was a few choice words to turn them all away from one another.They should have all been supportive, instead of a racist bunch of creatures; after all with the  exception of a few ghouls, reapers and half daemons they were all pretty much the same species. You would think that if they could have co-existed for nearly four thousand years they would be one of the most unified covens out there. Leo fought tooth and nail along his side trying not to get overrun. A shot was sounded .a few dozen of the Daemon brood went limp on the ground. He lost track of Leo as the boy flamed up tackling a ghoul who was foolish enough to provoke him. Leo was a clown but he was a fierce fighter . 

Lason reneged as a few of the hordes parted.  His eyes where a different color than last time. Amber orbs stared at Conner with intent to kill. "Conner dear old friend." Lason purred out, in a voice that was definitely not his own. Conner narrowed his eyes at his old friend. Something was off .

"What is wrong with you Lason ?" Conner countered as Leo was thrown into the wall behind him. A pained moan from the Phoenix boy let him know that he was okay. This fight however was about to change thing for the P.A.C.K. That much Conner was a hundred percent positive of. Not that it mattered he had a feeling a shift in leadership was about to change, whether or not his friend or ex- friends knew it. Their once proud leader  had been kicked out of the pack for allowing himself to go Rogue. He was nothing more than what he despised most of. What they all of the despised.

 A Mindless ...

       Blood thirsty....

             Dark Creature.

" why? Why would you betray what was basically given to you? Why would you do anything without caution ? what happened to the man that I knew  years ago? what happened to the leader I knew a year ago? Are you that pathetic to allow yourself to be possessed. Answer me ! What drove you to this madness Lason , was it the Hunter's spawn? if so then you are nothing more than what you and I have been trying to eliminate." Conner was sure he wasn't going to get an answer. But a part of him wanted one all  the same . these peolpe were following a shell of a leader. Some had stopped fighting those . Others had left the P.A.C.K. all together in denial. Conner felt the connection the P.A.CK. once have break within his soul. Those protecting the Half Breed and his friends were either killed , or  knocked unconscious on the ground. Leo was among those who have been flung telepathically into the wall. Those lucky enough still standing waited with bated breath.

He knew that the alpha was fighting. Just like he knew if it all boil down to it he also could have stopped this fighting unless he was being overrun. Which was probably is unlikely as it got out seeing as their Alpha had been the leader of their clan for nearly a thousand years or that's what he'd learned from their former leader. Dark thought crossed Connors mind as both former friends stare at each other down. If this was some kind of sick test Conner knew that this coven had lost  . Maybe being immortal wasn't the best way to spend your existence, but for some of them they had no choice maybe that's why most of their kin went rogue. Maybe that why the Human Hunters had to kill so many to reduce the threats they caused one they all succumbed to that alluring darkness. 

" you talk too much."  with those four words the battle is on. Had Conner been a regular mortal he would have been shish kabobs ,as layson brought out his more darker rarely used abilities. People like to guess in the pack just exactly what the alpha was was he human was he mortal with some uncanny ability that allowed him to coexist with those of the darker species. But if you are close enough to call the alphas son your friend leader among other things and you would have been allowed to know one of the tiniest secrets. 

He  could transform into a monstrous form of a  corrupted Soul. He was a legacy a many failed  angelic experiments.  His father  was  chaos beast. Unlike the name none of us had ever seen him at full power, so we used to joke about his Chaos being more of a orderly kind.  while Layson's true powers had yet to fully morph. Conner was really swinging towards the idea of maybe he was some form of super-powered demon brewed kind. With the was acting now. Layson swung  his blade in a Arc he'd never seen him perform. Catching him off guard. 

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