Percy Winchester

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You could say the life of a hunter is born from the battles of war . He is bred to fight and endure many trials before his hunt for victory and peace is done. yet, there are times like now when i wish that for once I never had to fight to survive , or kill to keep another alive. I mean im only sixteen for christ sake why is my family's fate so fucking cruel? There once was a time that I can recall having a mother and a happy life. But it changed the day the demons came to play turning our lives to hell. Dad made us a promise i highly doubt that my older brother remember back when i was eight . That our father had us all around a grave stone the last time we ever visits mom's grave sight . I remember him telling us "No matter what happens boy this future is yours . You only have each other as long, as you know that the better off you'll be. WE are family and family don't always end in blood remember that one day it would be important" . For some odd reason my eight year old brain keep wondering why our father eyed me when he finished that last statement . Almost like he knew something that would end up coming out in a bad way. Which he probably does however i have that blind faith in him after all he is my father.

"Percy wake up son we here." My father's voice range in my ears as i felt the old Red 87 Chevy truck pull to a stop. Dad had given Dean the Impala a few months ago.

"Five more minutes dad" I groaned sleep still evident in my voice.

"Boy get your butt up you can nap on the couch ." Dad said in a slightly annoyed tone. Which since he refused to let me drive his truck . I can see why he literally had been driving clear across the country trying to find the lead on some old gun. Still keeping distance from Dean and Sam as if he was spacing them away from the incoming battle. I had wondered why dad was bringing me with him. I wasn't as experienced or good at combat with a gun. The only weapon i was good at killing with was uncle Bobby's hunting knives .Which drove dad crazy with paranoia. No matter if i was with hunting knives or, not he hated me using close range weapons. And quite frankly all his babying and over watchfulness was starting to irritate me.
Ever since the ambush with the werewolves that seemed to only follow me and dad around. Dad hasn't let up on his constant move routine. So needless to say i could understand why dad was so annoyed . However, this time around I hoped we would be reaching the final destination on finding this dame Colt 45 . So our family could finally end the evil son of a witch's life that took my mother, and brothers childhood once and for all.

"Perseus get up" my dad grunted as he shook me out of my half asleep stupor.

I groan but eventually both of us stumbled into the cheap motel. I watched as dad barley made it to a rickety looking bed. I watched my dad shake off his boots. Then lay down in the bed. Unaware that his fifteen year old son's sad. sad blue gray eyes . I sighed as i heard dads soft snores knowing full well he was out of commission for at least a few hours. So taking this small break from my over-watchful father i snuck out of the motel. All while making sure my inhaler was on me as well. I hated that thing it was one of the reasons for fathers overbearing. I mean how much trouble could i get into right away? Plus i really needed to think in peace.

I had probably walked a few miles from the hotel when i noticed someone was following me. "Really can i not have a moment of peace!" i groaned inwardly. Flipping my black army pattered hoodie over my head i kept walking. Never changing my pace but being observant never the less. Seeing a small empty park i made my way to it. Worse case situation  this was a monster and the only thing i had with me was my inhaler. And a pack of gum that i stole off the last gas station. However, the slightly yet hopeful outcome was that this a just some ignorant human. Who like me wanted to just clear their head. Alas, however unlikely that latter was i really wanted that to be the outcome. Rather than having to deal with a headache .
All of the sudden i felt a sudden chill .
"Jesus why?" I groaned as I entered the park . "why does trouble follow me!"

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