Chapter 10: The Shield

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Dean's POV:
Monday Night Raw, great another night with a lot of stuff going on! I look around for my best friends and tag team partners Seth and Roman. I see Brie and Vanessa talking about the awesome weekend they had. It's funny how divas act when the cameras are off. I pull Vanessa aside and ask her for some advice on how to improve in the ring. I look at the rookie diva with hope in my eyes. As Vanessa is giving me the advice, I noticed Seth and Roman walking by we fist bump and she leaves. The show starts and everybody is racing to the posts they're assigned to. I'm pacing back stage nervous that the match won't turn out so great I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see Vanessa sporting all black and I smile knowing that our match is an eight person mixed tag team elimination match. We cut our promo! At the end of it all of our fists are zoomed in. The show cuts for commercial. Maybe having a diva join the Shield might not be a bad idea I think to myself. We make our entrance through the crowd and it's electric the WWE Universe cheers for us. We wait for our tag team partner to make her entrance. The pop is huge as Vanessa makes her way to the ring. We wait for Jimmy, Jey, Dwayne and Tamina!
Roman's POV:
Wow, we're doomed! I can't fight all my cousins here's hoping i'm the first one eliminated. As the bell rings Tamina starts the match off with Vanessa. We hear the universe breaking apart as Tamina gets eliminated by tapping out. Vanessa stands toe to toe with the Rock! Cowering in fear, she tags me in! I enter the ring ready to take on my movie star cousin. I deliver a monster spear causing Vanessa to jump. I pin my cousin eliminating him so it's now four on two. I tag in Seth.
Seth's POV:
I fight Jimmy so hard it takes a little bit of fire for me to slide into the cover but at two and a half Jimmy kicks out I see an opening for a tag but my hand slips and I get pinned! Dang it i'm eliminated. I watch the numbers get dwindled down to two on two Dean and Vanessa vs Jimmy and Jey. As Vanessa pins Jimmy it's now two on one Jey pins Dean eliminating him making it one on one. I look nervous as i'm watching this from backstage Vanessa pins Jey and picks up the win! We race out to congratulate her. As we're celebrating Tamina, Dwayne, Jimmy and Jey all celebrate with us. The show cuts to commercial. We leave the ring with our fiery new member.
Vanessa's POV:
Wow! I can't believe I helped the Shield win a mixed tag team elimination match I could hear the WWE Universe chatting about it as we round the coroner we see Byron Saxton approach us for an interview we answer the questions as politely as possible. We're still on that winning rush when Summer Rae and Layla walk by and I roll my eyes Seth saw that and we talk. I can't stand Summer (the diva not the season) We're all done for the night as I walk back to the Diva's locker room Tamina stops me and gives me a hug and compliments my skills inside the ring. I thank her and tell her that being inside a ring gives me joy.

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