Chapter 14: Dean's Hurt

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Vanessa's POV:
Three weeks later, The Shield and I are on the road! We're all singing road trip songs. Then Tiny Dancer comes on and Dean was thinking about my duet with Randy. I think about all the superstars and divas as we drive to Hartford. Seth looks at me and we go over the script for the show. I see Seth and I have a mixed tag team match vs Miz and AJ. The arena is buzzing with excitement as the show approaches. Seth looks at me and pulls me in for a huge hug. I look at the screen backstage as Dean and Roman are in a tag team match vs Wade and Sheamus what happens next is scary. Dean goes shoulder first into an exposed turnbuckle! I gasp in horror and I start to cry as i'm running to the ring! Dean is holding his rotator cuff. The show cuts for a break as i'm still sobbing for Dean. The trainers let me ride to the hospital I call Seth to let him know that he needs to find another partner! I sit down in the waiting room and I start to fill out the paper work. I hear soft moans from the seat next to me I look to the right and see Dean asleep and in pain. His right arm is in my two toned hair. I lean on the wall and think Why me? I look at the wall and I notice Dean is gone i'm panicking a tattooed arm taps my shoulder I look up and see Randy and he tells me that the roster is coming to see Dean. I start to sniffle and break down on Randy's shoulder. After I stopped crying, Randy and I go to the cafeteria and wait for the roster to show up. AJ and Punk show up first. Punk offers a soda to AJ and hugs me. A few hours later, more superstars and divas enter the hospital. I feel relieved to see everybody rally around Dean. Punk and I sit in the waiting room and we sit in silence. The nurse comes in and tells me that Dean is in surgery to repair the tear in his rotator cuff. I ask the doctor if a friend could stay and wait for Dean. The nurse shows me Dean's room 1207 it's bigger then most hospital rooms but it'll do. Randy and I pace the floor nervous for Dean. Randy leaves to talk to Alanna. I look up to the sky and think. God don't let Dean go I need him in my life. I start to cry again as the operating team brings Dean to the Intensive Care Unit. I leave the hospital and go to the hotel we're at and call Triple H crying. After I calm down, I tell the COO what happened. I feel relieved a little after talking to somebody but my body feels the stress. I look to the right and I see a closed door. I walk to it and I open it and step inside a fantastic bathroom with a huge bathtub. I think Maybe a bubble bath will ease the stress. I'm thinking about it when the door to the room opens and Seth and Roman enter feeling glum. I gasp and close the door choice made. I put the plug in the tub and turn on the cold and hot water. I put lavender bubble bath in the water. After the tub fills up, I poke my head out of the bathroom to find i'm alone. I set my clothes on the toilet and step inside the warm bath. I'm leaning on the side of the tub thinking about Dean in the hospital. I relax knowing he's in good hands. Seth and Roman return with three spoons and some ice cream. I drain the bathtub and wrap a towel around my body and I leave the bathroom and put on my Unstable shirt and gym shorts. I join Roman and Seth on the bed eating ice cream. After that, Roman and Seth fall asleep. I'm in my bed tossing and turning I log on to Twitter and I see a tweet from Punk saying he's wide awake. I tweet back So am I #MissingDean Punk quietly knocks on my room door I open it and he's in a Cubs shirt and Blackhawks pants. I look at him and we leave the hotel room and go to the lobby. Punk and I talk about everything from past experiences and tattoos Punk showed me his favorite tattoo. It's the Pepsi logo I smile and I get an idea. Punk looks at me confused but goes along with my crazy plan to get a small tattoo of a shield for Dean. Punk and I sneak out of the hotel and find a tattoo parlor opened at 1:21 AM. Punk thinks hope Vanessa doesn't have a death grip I look at Punk and wait for the artist to arrive. She arrives and meets us. I tell her that I want a shield in three different colors the first color is black the second color is red third is blue. I breathe slowly and grab Punk's hand.
Punk's POV:
I could tell Vanessa was nervous about getting her first tattoo. The artist changed the ink color to red and continued on. I began to loose feeling in my hand but I didn't let Vanessa know. I saw the artist go from red to blue and the tattoo is done!
Vanessa's POV:
I let go of Punk's hand and I look at my tattoo. I cry tears of joy knowing that the shield represents the stable I pay the artist and Punk and I leave.

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