Chapter 21: Something Crazy

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Seth's POV:
The next day, i'm getting my stuff packed in my duffel and a replica Tag Team Championship belt falls from my bed. I look at the note attached to the belt.
To the Shield,
I hope these belts make you smile and give you guys hope that you'll regain them. I won't be able to make it to LA due to illness but I want you guys to know that you're my brothers from another mother.
Best of luck,
I look at the belts and smile. I flag down Roman and Dean to give them the gifts Vanessa left. Then an idea hits me. I call Stephanie to let her know that we're not going to show up to Staples Center. We go to the Cleveland airport and we see a flight to Vegas has been added. We get checked in and we're on rout to see our sick valet.
Vanessa's POV:
I wish I was on the road with the Shield instead of at home sick. I'm watching an old episode of Total Divas on E! it's the episode where a battle between John and Nikki takes place. The bear pong contest is about to start when I hear the door knob start to turn. My instinct was to grab a baseball bat in case it was somebody I didn't know. The door opens to revel the Shield! I drop the bat and usher the stable inside. Dean looks at me and we do our handshake. Roman and Seth carried groceries inside. Shouldn't the Shield be in LA? I think to myself. I place my hands on my hips wanting an explanation Dean looks at Roman who looks at Seth.
Seth's POV:
I start to explain everything to the sick diva. After the explanation, Roman and I leave the apartment to get a quick work out in. We're at Cross Fit but my mind isn't on squatting it's on the wedding. I shake the thoughts from my head as I take a breather. An hour later, Roman and I walk home.
As we enter the apartment, we see the couple looking at wedding magazines for dresses and tuxes. The couple looks at us and smiles. The clippings of potential outfits are scattered around the table. Roman gets an idea and leaves for Staples. An hour later, Roman returns with a couple of giant poster boards and tape. Looks like a wedding collage I think to myself. As Dean and Vanessa continue the project, I start to think about a two toned diva on the roster, Kaitlyn!
Kaitlyn's POV:
How could AJ do this to me?! Punk and I were soulmates. I sit on my bench in my locker room and I start to cry. I sit on my phone and I call Seth.
Seth's POV:
Kaitlyn calls me crying. We talk through what's getting her down. Kaitlyn and I bond over our two tone style. We have a crazy bond. Kaitlyn hangs up with me and I think about the Shield. Dean and Vanessa finish the collages. Roman and I look at them and smile.

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