Chapter 33: JJ and Gucci

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Vanessa's POV:
I'm with Nikki and Brie's younger brother. JJ is so cool he's a down to earth and funny person. We were at the Grove in Hollywood and I saw a lot of dresses. JJ looks at me and smiles. Just like Nikk JJ thinks. The paparazzi is insane! JJ and I have no idea what's going on. We find sanity in Beverly Hills on Rodeo Drive. I'm in Gucci looking at a purse when I see JJ walking in with Lauren, his wife. I introduce myself glum. Lauren looks at me and she leaves.We have time to see a few dresses at the store. I start to think about a ballroom and how a waltz is done. I see Chris Jericho and Mark Ballas walking toward the store. JJ thinks about his sisters and I decide to do a fashion show with the dresses for my upcoming wedding to Dean. I leave the store. I see the Hollywood sing and a white building. The Miz is on his rooftop gazing at the sun. He's so awesome I think to myself. Running up the hill I stop and pant and surprise the former United States, Tag Team, Four time Intercontanaral and WWE champion. His blue eyes look into my brown eyes and sparks flew. I can't do this to Dean I think to myself. Miz and I lean in but it was for a hug! Phew that was close I think to myself. After we pulled apart from our hug, we go to the party room and watch The Real World Back to New York. We watched Tough Enough and we agreed Tanner is Seth's look alike.

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