Chapter 67: Good News

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Vanessa's POV:

As Matt pulls Jeff into the studio, I get a call from Stephanie. An hour later, I walk into the studio and I get inside a booth to sing.

A million thoughts in my head

Should I let my heart keep listening

I know it's time to say goodbye

So hard to let go

I save the song and leave the house.

Jeff's POV:

I'm inside the studio and my arm hits the play arrow on the computer Vanessa's song plays. I'm sliding down the wall of the booth and i'm feeling hurt that Vanessa left .

Vanessa's POV:

I'm back in Tampa and my phone buzzes

Text Conversation:

Why did you leave?

I left for a reason.

I'm the reason you left. I heard your song it was short and sweet.

Thanks. You're not the reason I left. I left because my work in Cameron is done. You and Matt are such great friends. You two have a bond that only brothers feel. I'm going to miss that when i'm on the road.

You're not going to miss us.


Matt and I are coming back to the WWE!

Omg! That's great! :)  Team Extreme 2.0!

After I send my last message to Jeff I fall asleep. Three hours later, the doorbell rings and I arm myself with a baseball bat and frying pan. I open the door to see two brothers looking at me. Matt and Jeff enter my house. I'm amazed at the Hardy Brothers and how far they came. I'm in a Hardy sandwich. After we break apart from the group hug, Jeff  leaves for  the gym and Matt and I watch some Team Extreme  matches on the WWE Network. An hour later, Matt and I fall asleep on the couch.

Jeff's POV:

I return to the house to see my brother and Vanessa on the couch asleep. I'm on the roof of the house thinking about a song.

One song


One song

Before I go


One song to leave behind

Find one song

One last refrain


From the pretty boy front man

Who wasted opportunity

One song

He had the world at his feet


In the eyes of a young girl

A young girl

Find glory

Beyond the cheap colored lights

One song

Before the sun sets

Glory -- on another empty life

Time flies -- time dies

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