Chapter: 73 If I Never Knew You

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Vanessa's POV:

I try to find Jeff in catering to thank him for cheering me up. Matt sees me walking to his brother and he leaves. I show the tweet to Jeff and he sits me down at a table.

Jeff's POV:

I tell Vanessa that her haters are idiots and how much i'm thankful to have a friend like her. As we hug, somebody enters catering a little mad. I'm about to leave when Dean taps my shoulder. I turn around and a brawl takes place.

Matt's POV:

I take Vanessa out of catering and I try to find a locker room where we can talk. I see the Divas Champion feeling nervous and we find an empty spot on the stairs. We sit in a quiet state.

Vanessa's POV:

My body starts to tremble as I start to softly cry. Matt notices and we climb the stairs to the top of the arena on the roof. Matt told me that Dean somehow isn't over the kiss that Jeff gave me We sit on the arena roof till the show starts. We're on the match card in a two on two mixed tag team match. Matt looks at me and we part. I'm in the Team Extreme locker room still feeling crummy about the brawl that took place. Matt enters the locker room feeling glum because of the state i'm in. I breathe deep and we get ready for an interview.

Matt's POV:

I look at Vanessa as the interview starts. Tom is asking questions about our match and if we have any idea who we're going to face. Tom wraps up the interview and we leave. We return to our locker room and Vanessa starts pacing the locker room floor.

Vanessa's POV:

I'm pacing the floor nervously. Matt tries to calm me down but I leave the locker room. I'm pacing the hallway until I slump down on the wall crying. I hear voices calling my name. I look up and I see Nikki and Brie they sit on the wall next to me. An hour later, Nikki and Brie leave me for a match. I grab my phone and I call Punk.

Punk's POV:

I'm in the gym working out and listening to music when the buzzing of my phone interrupts the song. I stop my workout and I take the call. Vanessa is on the line crying. I listen to her story and offer the best advice I can. I really miss the spunky diva and her smile. I hang up my phone and I get back to my workout.

Vanessa's POV:

After I calm down, Matt enters the Team Extreme locker room and we get ready for our mixed tag team match. We're in the ring and we await our rival team. I grow annoyed that the other team isn't out here. King of Kings plays and Matt and I exchange shocked looks as Stephanie and Triple H enter the ring. Matt pulls me aside freaking out that we're facing our bosses. I tell the superstar to breathe deep and just go for it. I decide to start the match with Stephanie so Matt can calm down. I start to get winded and I tag Matt into the match Stephanie goes to the apron. I watch Matt and Triple H going toe to toe. Matt tags me in the match i'm on the top rope and I land the Poison Arrow on Stephanie and we win the match! I put Matt's hand up in victory. I ask for a microphone and I do something that wasn't scripted. I look at Matt and thank him and Jeff for everything. We leave the ring with smiles on our faces. We arrive at the locker room to get ready for an event.

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