Chapter 20: Championship Lost

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Vanessa's POV:
Greetings from the United States! We're in Cleveland, Ohio and it's crazy. The Shield and I are buzzing with excitement for a Battle Royal for the United States Championship! Seth, Roman and I cut a promo. Dean leaves the team to get ready for the match. Seth and Roman get ready for a tag team match. I'm watching the match and I start to get worried as the numbers get dwindled down to Dean and Bad News Barrett. Dean gets tossed over the top rope and his reign as United States Champion is over! Dean looks at me glum. Later that night, I heard a soft cry coming from Dean. I look at Seth and Roman they look glum too. I get an idea! Replica belts. I'm in the lobby awaiting somebody from the roster. A tattooed arm tap my shoulder it's Punk!
Punk's POV:
I look at Vanessa wondering what she's doing out in lobby at 4:20 AM. She explains Dean, Seth and Roman's sadness about the loss of the titles they held. I look at my best friend and I get an idea. I grab my laptop and get ready to log on to Twitter when I see a Tweet. @thevixenviper721 Ohio rocks! I tweet back not as great as the Windy City #GoCubsandBlackhawks I close my laptop and begin to pace. I hear the sound of tennis shoes on the floor and I look down to see AJ! Her brown eyes are locked on to mine. I freak out.
Punk looks like he's freaked out at the sight of me. I'm feeling hurt and I start to walk back to the room Gail and I share. Punk runs after me apologizing i'm accepting the apology. I kiss the superstar on the lips and we walk back to the room.
Vanessa's POV:
I start to doze off when the new Tag Team Champions enter the hotel. Tyson Kidd and Randy celebrate the victory. I'm asleep in the chair and a pair of strong arms lift me up. I wake up and noticed tattoos. Half way through the journey, I look up to see blue eyes looking into mine. I'm in Randy's arms.
Tyson's POV:
I look at my tag team partner and how gentle he's being with Vanessa. We enter the elevator and Randy presses the 7th floor we go up and we look for our room. At that moment, we realized our room is on the eighth floor but we couldn't leave a sleeping diva alone. We're looking at the numbers to the rooms when Vanessa's points to the left. I look at my tag team partner and we go left I grab the key card from Vanessa's hand and the door un locks. We enter the room and set the diva on the queen bed.
Vanessa's POV:
An hour later, I wake up and see Tyson and Randy in the room. Randy explains how he carried me I thank the tag team and fall back asleep waiting for the Shield wasn't easy. Three hours later, somebody is shaking me awake. I look up to see Seth.
Seth's. POV:
I look at Vanessa worried. I'm not sure why I got worried. I'm pacing the floor of our hotel room waiting for Dean and Roman. I look at the diva and she smiles at me. Nikki was right I think to myself. I slump on the bed noticing Vanessa sound asleep. I start to look at her with a huge smile on my face. Wait is this the start of a crush? I think to myself. I shake the thoughts out of my head and fall asleep.

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