Chapter 174: Marry You

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Vanessa's POV:

I'm getting married today! I call Nikki and Brie to wish them a happy birthday! I'm in the studio singing a song.
If you're not the one then why does my soul feel glad today?
If you're not the one then why does my hand fit yours this way?
If you are not mine then why does your heart return my call
If you are not mine would I have the strength to stand at all
I'll never know what the future brings
But I know you're here with me now
We'll make it through
And I hope you are the one I share my life with
I don't want to run away but I can't take it, I don't understand
If I'm not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am?
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?
I close my eyes and I hear a voice inside booth two singing.
If I don't need you then why am I crying on my bed?
If I don't need you then why does your name resound in my head?
If you're not for me then why does this distance maim my life?
If you're not for me then why do I dream of you as my wife?
I don't know why you're so far away
But I know that this much is true
We'll make it through
And I hope you are the one I share my life with
And I wish that you could be the one I die with
And I pray in you're the one I build my home with
I hope I love you all my life
I don't want to run away but I can't take it, I don't understand
If I'm not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?
I open my eyes to finish the song with Zack.
'Cause I miss you, body and soul so strong that it takes my breath away
And I breathe you into my heart and pray for the strength to stand tonight
'Cause I love you, whether it's wrong or right
And though I can't be with you tonight
You know my heart is by your side
I don't want to run away but I can't take it, I don't understand
If I'm not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am
Is there any way that I could stay in your arms

After our song ends and gets saved, Zack leaves. I have a solo dance party. I'm getting everything ready for the wedding. I'm super pumped up that Dean and I are getting married. Nikki, Brie, Eva, Becky, Ashley, Lita, Mandy and I are at LAX! It's freaking me out that Dean popped the question to me. I play with my engagement ring. Am I getting cold feet on my flight?

Dean's POV:

I'm pacing the floor of my house. Am I getting cold feet? I tell Roman and Seth how nervous I am. Seth tells me that i'm going to rock being a husband. I look at my best man and we share a bro hug.

Vanessa's POV:

I'm freaking out and my nerves are shot! I look at the window and my heart races. Nikki tells me to breathe deeply. As The limo drives to the venue, i'm freaking out. The scary thing is that i'm getting overwhelmed and thinking about the duet I shared with Zack in Los Angles. I pace the floor and Nikki tells me to talk to Zack. I walk to the balcony and I think about Dean.

Dean's POV:

I'm at the venue and Seth walks me through the venue. I'm breathing and putting on my cuffs. I think my heart is pounding but I get a text from Vanessa.

Text Message:

Dean, don't worry you're going to look great! I'm so proud of you and I love you.

Vanessa's POV:

I get ready for the wedding and i'm so thankful for everybody. I see Shane and we link arms. Everybody stands up I almost cry but I tell myself to be calm. I'm at the alter and my eyes are locked onto Dean's

Dean's POV:

We say our vows and we kiss.

Vanessa's POV:

Best wedding ever!

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