Chapter 69: We're Family

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Jeff's POV:

I look around the arena and I see siblings. Nikki with Brie Jimmy with Jay! I'm feeling sad that Matt is in Tampa instead of Dallas. Then I see another person with a glum look on her face. I'm looking at Vanessa and I offer a hug. We stay in the hug for an hour. After we break apart, I look at Vanessa as she looks at me with tears streaming down her face. We find a wall to lean on and we talk

Vanessa's POV:

Jeff and I talk about my sadness. I show the superstar a picture of my older sister and younger brother. Being away from them is hard and heartbreaking I put the picture in my locker and get ready for the main event! I'm still thinking about my siblings when I bump into Jeff. He tells me some of the superstars and divas are waiting for me at catering . When I get to catering a song starts.

Jeff: Take a little time, just look at where we are

We've come very, very far, together

And if I might say so

John: And if I might say so too

Both: We wouldn't have got anywhere

If it weren't for you, kid

Jojo: Love is the sweetest thing

Edge: Love never comes just when you think it will

Lillian: Love is the way feel for you

Jeff: We're Family

We're family

We're family

Jojo: All of us

Jeff: And you!

John: Think of where we'd be if we were on our own

Lillian: You're what holds us all, together

Vanessa: I am?

John: And if I might say so

Jeff and Lillian: And if we might say so too

Jeff: We never could love anyone as much as

Roster: We love you!

Cameron: Love

John and Jojo: Is the strangest thing

Cameron: Love

Jeff and Lillian: Does exactly what it wants to do

Cameron: Love

John: Hey, you know it's true

Roster: We're family, we're family, we're family, me, me, me, me and you!

Jojo: Ashes to ashes and dust to dust

All: Without you there'd be no us

Love is the sweetest thing

Love does exactly what it wants to do

Love is the way we feel for you

We're family, we're family

Vanessa: We're family, me

All: And you!

After the song ends, the main event of Raw starts! I pump up Jeff and Heath as we get ready to enter the ring I see my brother and sister in the first row! I smile. As I enter the ring with my partners, we wait for our opposing team The Shield's music plays and Dean walks down the crowd Dolph and Summer make a grand entrance as they enter the ring Jeff looks at me knowing Summer and I can't stand each other. The match starts off with Heath and Dean. Jeff and I cheer Heath on! Jeff gets tagged in!

Jeff's POV:

I'm in the match with Dean and he tagged Dolph in. Fearfully, I scoot to my side of the ring and I tag somebody in but it wasn't Heath it was Matt! I look at my brother and we double team Dolph! It looks like Team Extreme 2.0 is here! Matt continues the match till he needs to tag Vanessa in. I look at Vanessa and Matt tags her in.

Vanessa's POV:

I get my moment in the ring with Summer! I'm so pumped up the crowd is on our side I hit a drop kick on my foe and I go for a cover. Summer kicks out and almost does something to cause injury I tag Matt in and Dean comes in.

Matt's POV:

Seeing Vanessa on the apron makes me worried but I have to kick butt! I tag in Jeff.

Jeff's POV:

Matt tends to Vanessa on the apron and I go to work on Dean. I'm about to hit a Twist of Fate on Dean. My brother tags himself in.

Matt's POV:

I finish the match and we get win!

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